
Giants' Valley(2)

"Let me see your watch." Camille said to him after a moment of silence.

"Here you go." Leo showed off his watch to her with his chest puffed out and a prideful look on his face.

"T-Thirty five million points?! That's impossible! There's no way the two of you could've acquired this much points in such a short time! I really hope you didn't mess with the watch…" Camille was in disbelief after seeing their points.

"What? Why would we do something like that? Do you not trust me, Miss Camille? We earned these points fair and square!" Leo frowned.

"...Where did you guys train before coming here? And why would you come here when you could get more points over there? Nobody would leave such a good farming spot without being forced to."

"That's exactly why we had to find a new location, Miss Camille. Our old location collapsed on itself, so we cannot go there anymore." Leo sighed.

"Collapsed…? Don't tell me… You went inside a Labyrinth?" Camille narrowed her eyes at him.
