
Chairman Gerard

"I apologize for this inconvenience, but let's take a break for our meeting." Chairman Gerard said to the group of people following him.

"Don't worry, we understand. After all, family matters should be above everything else."

"I needed to stretch my body, anyway."

"Then let's all return tomorrow at the same time."

"I don't mind."

Sometime later, Camille followed Chairman Gerard into the Adventurers' Bureau.

Once they were inside his office, Chairman Gerard sat behind his office table and stared at Camille with a frown on his face.

"I thought you'd never come back to the Celestial City after your retirement, especially after all that fuss you made before you left."

Camille sneered, "You think I wanted to be here? My friend nearly got killed because of someone in the Adventurers' Bureau."


Chairman Gerard placed his hands before his mouth and pondered.
