

Clark fell in to the large bed and saw that the room was indeed elegant. Books were set up with various titles. They were clearly beginner books made for young spirit tamers to learn. On top of that, there was a large desk for studying.

Before Clark could check the system to see what he might have missed after completing the acceptance test, he heard a knock on his door. "Who could that be? My uniforms?" Devi hastily became invisible again while latching on to Clark's shoulder.

"Oh, I thought it would be the uniform. Thank you." Clark took the uniform from the elderly man's hand. But the man didn't leave. "Um, is there something I am forgetting? I just got here today." Clark probed why the man might still be there.

"It's nothing you are forgetting. I recommend you invite me in." The man already started to walk inside before Clark had said another word. "I actually have a small proposition for you. One that may interest you a little more than the basics you will get after your exam results."

"Is my placement going to be basic? I thought I would do better since I came in first out of all applicants." Clark knew that he wouldn't be getting nothing. The evaluation orb had been able to sense that Devi was a mythical rank spirit beast.

"Compared to what I have to offer, yes. Everything will be basic." The man smiled softly. He knew he would get what he wanted it was just about dancing the dance until he got to that point.

"I'm listening."

"Good choice. The elite class you will be put in is good. But with your spirit beast and current intelligence, I can offer you something many fight for. I can be your mentor. Just because you are in an elite class doesn't mean you will get the best resources, education, and offers." Clark felt that the old man was already going to make this happen with his approval or not.

"In that case, why should I accept you specifically? I don't know you."

"Good question. I am not a professor here any longer. Nor am I the current head master. I am just a retired old man with a few titles. But I have unlimited access to every book, room, and technique within this academy. I also have the right to take you outside the academy as often as I see fit as your mentor. You can get more experience than the basic outings in the elite class. Very tempting, is it not."

Clark was already seeing the benefits. He would be able to radically improve his experience and standing within the academy while also learning. It would put him on the fast track. But it would not be easy. Nothing like this could be easy. "I accept. I will take on the challenge."

"Good choice Clark Stormwood. Recommended by that little student of mine. I am Alexander Red. I will give you a few days to adjust before I pull you out of classes for some training. You are a member of the elite class. Take this schedule and be on time. Also, your uniform is modified to show you as my student. Do not abuse it but do not allow yourself to be abused."

Alexander Red left the room leaving Clark a little stunned. This had been Clara's teacher. The teacher that he didn't even know existed but had managed to push Clara to be one of the strongest geniuses in the entire city. The training would not be simple at all.

"Wait," Alexander stopped just before closing the door. Tomorrow you will go to an auction within the academy. Some beast eggs are being brought there. You need to have one so that others can see a beast. Or else that little one on your shoulder will be found out." As much as Alexander wanted to tell Clark exactly what his spirit beast was, Alexander was still at a loss. But he could sense Devi.

This thought process had occurred to Clark. If Devi was the trump card, then he needed to have a face to hide behind. Getting a second tamed beast would be perfect. "Take this card. It contains enough for whatever you bid on. Just don't be foolish. If you do…" Alexander walked away closing the door. Clark could feel the threat of heavy training in those words.

"It seems like we got some decent backing. That was a surprise." Clark felt that the day had been a lot busier than expected. He had the mystery of Maria to figure out at some point, become a student at Nova academy, found a material to help Devi realize potential, and now was taken by a big shot as his student.

'Quest: Recommendation is not enough

Passed the hidden requirements and was accepted by the previous Nova academy head master. Rewards are as follows; One guaranteed rare gacha item, one hour enhanced meditation, system guidance in combat for one hour, blood bonding beast taming array.'

'The guaranteed rare gotcha is being automatically drawn…'

Clark shot back up from his bed after just sitting down. The rewards didn't seem as plentiful at first, yet after he read them he realized it was amazing. The meditation efficiency was great, adding the battle guidance he would make a major jump in progress.

Having a special technique to tame a beast was also ideal. Many families formatted their beast taming arrays for eggs and kept them hidden. Clark would have had to use a basic one which left the bond weaker.

And finally, the guarantee of a rare draw for an item. That was perfect!

'Taming space manual- rare

This is a perfect manual for those beginning their journey as a spirit tamer. Normally these manuals would be taught within academies or by family. The user of this specific manual will have a better chance of achieving their personal taming space. Along with this, they will have a much higher chance of fusion their spirit within their taming space, therefore creating space ideal for their tamed beasts to grow within.'

At first glance this was worthless. Clark would have learned all of this in normal classes. Although, when he read carefully, the words perfect screamed to him. That meant that the manual was not flawed like the ones he might be taught or learn from. He would be able to unlock his taming space much more easily.

Not every spirit tamer had the potential to unlock a taming space. This was a space for his best to reside without having to follow him around all the time. The best spirit tamers had these and would often spend years to unlock them. The very best tamers would infuse their spiritual energy within these spaces to create ideal places for their spirit beasts to grow.

To say that Clark won out was an understatement. Such a manual would sell for thousands of gold coins. The fighting over it would cause families to turn on one another. Tamed beasts would grow faster and strength would also grow. The high chance to unlock a taming space was spectacular.

"Devi, you and I will have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Rest well." Clark gave the warning before falling asleep. He was too tired to even change clothes.

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