
1090 I Told You

Max returned to his office and set up the holographic emitter so that it would show him sitting at his desk as he addressed the rest of the group. He knew that they were going to need his advice if the Myceloids from the other side were attacking in force, but he got the feeling from their earlier interaction that they still didn't quite understand the nature of the enemy.

When he opened the communications channel to Celia's Love, there were hundreds of people already gathered in the room, sitting around rings of desks set up on multiple levels so that everyone could look up or down to see who was talking.

The largest and most powerful fleets made up the inner rings, and the minor species were up in the rafters, arranged behind the species that they were backing.

It was a bit like a House of Commons, where the seats were divided by political parties, but in this case, it was by alliances and military strength.
