
The first step

At Star music station. Tuesday 31st Feb.

Before her determination disappears, she accepts the president's offer to appear on the program, and a few days later, she is at the station for her first practice session.

Preparing for the music program was more difficult than she thought. Due to her stage fright, the president made sure the station was empty when she was practicing. She thought he would simply instruct the staff to go elsewhere when she practices, but to her surprise, the entire station was empty. Other than the staff from her company, there was nobody else at the station. Sumire takes a deep breath. It's okay. She can do this.

It took her a very long time before she could sing in front of the company staff members. Now that she is more comfortable with everyone, she can sing in front of them. But, she occasionally meets with difficulties.

The moment she stepped onto the stage area, however, she spotted somebody was there already. A man with silver-colored hair. Sumire blinked, startled seeing Toh.

Didn't he say he would be going to the university today?

Toh turns to her. His lips curve to a smile as he walks over. "Hey, your here."

"Um, what are you?" Sumire was very surprised to see him.

"Your president thought you would feel more comfortable if there is somebody you get along with here."

"Ah, have you spoken to the president about-"

Toh shakes his head. "Not yet. I just introduced myself as your friend for now. We can have the talk with him when you are more comfortable."

"I see." Her sentence falls short when he grabs hold of her hands and squeezes it. "Toh."

"Good luck. I've heard you practice before, but it will be different when you're actually on stage, right?"

That's right, while she can make any place her stage. Actually, singing on stage is different.

"Thank you for coming here, Toh." Sumire thanked.

This person has done far too much for her, and they haven't even known each other that long. When Masato and Masaru advised her a few days ago to leave Toh, she immediately said no.

"You're welcome. Are you ready?" Toh asked. He kept drawing circles in her hands.

It seems he was being considerate and not doing anything else that would potentially destroy her reputation. Although the staff members would never do anything that would hurt her, they would still gossip. Sumire's gaze softens, and she makes the first move and hugs him lightly before drawing away.

"Wish me luck."

"Good luck."

Toh lets go of her hands, and she is standing in the center of the stage. She waits until Toh is sitting in the audience seats. He doesn't sit at the front but chooses a seat in the middle of the middle row. Sumire takes a deep breath. But her lingering

"A star falls down in front of me before dawn.

That's because I miss you.

At the moment when I'm not hesitant anymore

The words blurt out.

Though I'm not sure

they express what I am really thinking."

"I have endless words to say.

Without my notice, my cheeks have become flushed,

when I am in front of you

All lights gather into a ray.

I hope you can be a little braver.

Every word you answer is so brilliant and dazzling."

"You are like a star in the night sky.

Staying on the horizon, you sparkle for me and light the world at dawn.

A star falls down in front of me before dawn.

That's because I miss you." Sumire sang.

When she finally finishes singing, the first thing she notices isn't the applause coming from the staff members. What she notices is the tender gaze on Toh's face. Sumire felt her heartbeat increase.

She has known him for a while now and has spent a lot of time with him. But this is her first time seeing Toh like this. Is he smiling at her because she did a good job? She was worried for a long time whether it would be okay for her to sing this song.

Her debut song should be a upbeat track with lyrics and dance the fans can easily follow along with. Initially, she wanted to use a ballad song for her debut. But after analyzing the current song market, a more upbeat and pop song is better. Although she isn't singing to follow trends, this is her debut single.

She is still new to the industry and has to follow the rules. She can do what she wants when she becomes a little more famous. Her company is already very lenient with her. If it was her old company, they would have completely controlledf her song. She wouldn't have been given a chance to be involved in the process.

The staff surrounded her, saying she did a good job just then, and gave her encouraging words. Sumire was only half listening as she looked over at Toh, who was walking up the steps.

Her staff members had caught onto something since they looked at her and then returned to Toh before quickly exiting.

Toh walks over and kisses her forehead. "You did great."

"T-thank you."

She probably wouldn't have been able to sing if he wasn't here. When she entered the station and realized it was only filled with the company staff members. Sumire felt like she was troubling the president. She was worried that if she failed again, then even the staff members would stop trusting her.

"Are you going to keep practicing?"

Sumire nodded. "I want to get used to the layout of the stage and practice my dance. I'm not a very good dancer." Sumire admits with a sigh.

She can get away with being an average dancer when she sings slow songs. But for upbeat songs like this, it is very difficult.

"Dancing, huh? Do you need my help?"

Sumire blinks, startled at his words. "You can help me?"

"I know a thing or two about dancing. Do you need me to demonstrate?"

She slowly nodded, and Toh let go of her hands. He puts some distance between them and starts dancing. Sumire immediately identified the dance moves. It was from a popular male idol group's recent new song. The public was praising that for its amazing dance.

Even without music, it was almost like she could hear the beat. This is amazing. Even professional dancers struggle with this song. She didn't think Toh would be this good.

When she first started to get to know him, Sumire noticed how elegant his movements were and his lifestyle. He even listens to classical music. She didn't think he would be interested in the entertainment industry.

"Are you impressed?" Toh asked.

Sumire nods. "I am."

What other skill does this person have? He is already good at so many things. She truly wants to learn more about him.
