
Am I truly in love?

'I don't want her to leave just yet. I have truly gotten used to her being by my side.'

This is the first time in his life that he is using such a petty trick, and for what, to keep a woman by his side? He has seen many people go crazy because of love, but this is the first time this applies to him.

'Am I truly in love with her, or is this simply fascination?' He still needs to spend more time with her and observe for a bit longer before he comes to a conclusion.

He didn't lie to her when she asked what she meant to him, and he replied, 'You're the most important person to me.' He has never had somebody special to him before and has always treated everybody equally. But, after he met Ibuki Sumire, that changed.

Once he reaches the top of the stairs, he eventually arrives in front of a room with a golden-colored nameplate.

Toh knocks on the door and enters. There stood a woman with long curly hair. She wore a serene and calm expression on her face. However, Toh sensed there was something wrong.

"Miss Maaya, it has indeed been a while. How have you been recently?"

Maaya doesn't reply and stares blankly at the ceiling with a dazed expression. Toh watched her for a few minutes and frowned. She looks worse than she did last time.

Kobayashi Maaya is a senior singer in the entertainment industry with thousands of fans. However, her mental state has deteriorated over the past five years.

Toh kept track of all his patients and ensured that each of them came for their treatment and sessions. But, he does make exceptions for those who belong to the entertainment industry. He understands that their work will sometimes keep them busy. However, he has not seen this woman in a year.

She would ignore them all regardless of how many reminders he sent out. Eventually, he receives a call from the girl's former assistant.

'I was fired today. However, I must inform you that her condition has gotten worse. She has work near your shop tomorrow. I was wondering if it isn't too much trouble for you to see her?'

The assistant girl was clearly fired unjustly, and yet she still cared about her employee. Toh was thankful for the tip. Because he hasn't been in Japan as often due to his work abroad, he hasn't had much of an opportunity to check on his patients here.

"Recently, I have been very interested in the entertainment industry. I met a lovely lady not too long ago with a very beautiful voice, even more, beautiful than yours." Toh said.

At those words, the silent Maaya's gaze darkened, and she picked up a cup from the table and flung it in his direction. Toh swiftly dodges.

"What has gotten you so upset?"

"Don't mention that woman in front of me! Just because she is young and beautiful, she is already stealing all my opportunities and hasn't even debuted yet!"

Despite the vague description, Toh understood who she was talking about. Did she end up in this state because of her inferior complex to new artists who sing better than her? The one Kobayashi is the most concerned about seems to be Sumire.

He didn't even mention her name, but it seemed like she understood.

This is going to be difficult. Kobayashi hasn't been attending her appointments. Her insecurities have gotten a lot worse. The entertainment industry is becoming more and more toxic for her. But when he advised her to quit the last time they met, the girl insisted that she was fine and this was her dream.

He understood her passion since he, too, was the same way towards fashion. However, if she continues like this, it will be harmful for her health. Toh takes a deep breath. This is going to take some time.

It felt like forever when he finally left Kobayashi's waiting area. To his surprise, Sumire had left a message saying she would be waiting outside. When they met up, she made a few queries regarding the singer's condition. It seems like Sumire knows about Kobayashi's complex toward her.

Sumire brought him to a small chicken restaurant in a small, secluded area of town.

"Thank you for the food," Sumire said.

Toh looked at the girl, happily eating her chicken wings.

"Are you really okay with a place like this?" Toh wondered.

"Yes. Oh," Sumire paused. "Were you going to take me somewhere fancy?"

"I was planning to. But I'll admit I don't know this area very well." Toh admitted.

More like this is the area of town he tends to stray away from.

Sumire laughed. "Well, this isn't a rough area. But recently, more delinquent groups have been appearing here, so people tend to stay away. There is a restaurant, though! It has a really nice view."

A restaurant with a good view, huh, 'I'll research it later.' He wants to be able to take her to more places.

"Do you always do jobs like the one earlier?" Toh recalled how, after he finished speaking with Maaya. He found Sumire in the alleyway delivering a bag to suspicious-looking people.

"I do."

"But you're not a weapons dealer, right?"

"I'm not, but sometimes I help out when they are short of help. Oh, I was delivering stuff to the yakuza groups too."

'What kind of dangerous work are they making her do?' He heard rumors about Aki, but to think he is even making a going sixteen-year-old girl do such jobs. No, this shouldn't surprise him already. Sumire already admitted that she received training for drug immunity when she was young.

What a twisted man. He truly deserves the name 'King of the underworld.' Toh thought that Lucifer was evil, but Aki is on another level.

"Age doesn't matter in this line of work."

Toh blinked, hearing her words, and she laughed again.

"Just now, you're thinking this type of work is too dangerous for a young girl."

"Since you know, then why?" Toh wondered.

"Like I said, age doesn't matter. I have seen orphans being brought in from orphanages and being trained as human weapons. Somebody from the young age of six or seven holding a gun. The moment they are able to talk, they are educated about the delinquent world. Or being sent on missions from the moment they can walk."

Does she truly think that's normal? What type of life has she lived for her to think that is normal?
