
That's MY money

"Cuz I wanted to do it too!" I clicked my tongue and glared at the entrance again. "That priest must have been an accomplice. The receiving thing was a lie to get the crowd away, obviously."

"They will pay, I will definitely get all my money back from those damn assholes! All of it, they won't escape! Fucking robbers stealing my stuff!"

Revenge was nigh. I was going to get them and get them soon.

"Third rate bastards..."

"Wow, this guy just called the stuff he was planning to steal 'mine,' didn't he?"

"Terrible, terrible all around. I don't know why I ever think you are a nice person."

"I understand how much you like money, Ivan, but isn't stealing from a temple going too far?"

Vanessa scoffed, Eric introspected, and Nea asked me straight up.
