
One final clash

[Nea Alba. Morning.

Rizzuya. Elisbonear.]

She didn't miss her chance and chanted a spell. "[Grade 6 Dark Spell: Incomprehension]" A cloud of darkness left her hands and creeped towards the king's face. In an instance, the king's balance was thrown off. All his senses had been jumbled. Incomprehension. A spell in the higher spectrum of Grade 6 spells that switched your senses around. The target of the spell would see what they hear, hear what they feel. A complete overhaul of all their senses would leave them incapacitated.

The king stumbled back, the confines leaving him be, but he was still one of the strongest in the country. A dome of water covered him as he tried to dispel the attack. He could either wait for it to wear off, or use his magical energy to intercept it and beat it down. I guess I don't have to worry about things here.
