
- The Gate

A sharp pain originated in his stomach as Gus was thrown upwards by the blow from the creature's weapon. The force of the blow was surprising to him as he hadn't expected this creature to be that strong from the way they were built, but nonetheless it felt like all of his organs had been crushed as a result of the blow.

The pain was only reinvigorated as he slammed back down into the ground. He had no way to break his fall or to twist his body in such a way that he would land on a different part to the affected area, and so he had no other choice but to take the blow directly to his injured area.

The breath rushed out of his lungs as he hit the ground. As he gasped for air, he shifted his gaze upwards at the creature. Somehow, despite the fact that it seemed to be not as dangerous as some of the other things that he had come across while fighting the Bloody Dawn, it felt like this was one of the most dangerous. 
