
- Quadrupedal Tank

The tank was far more agile than it seemed, quickly twisting to face Gus as he approached. As he cut down the last of the Shenia who were acting as an infantry escort for the tank, the guns on the side of the body of the vehicle began spinning up to fire.

Gus pushed himself off to the side, quickly changing direction and heading to the nearest piece of the wrecked shuttle. As he slid behind the cover, he heard the tank's guns begin their barrage. The metal pinged repeatedly from the impacts of the bullets on the destroyed metal.

Gus glanced back to the other side of the river as the tank launched its main gun at the others who were trying to escape. The shell hit what was being used as cover by the other soldiers previously, exploding and engulfing the entire piece of metal in a flame coloured in an unnatural shade of blue.
