
- First Game

As the doors slowly slid open, the distant voice suddenly became very clear.

"... The Diamond Blades!!"

'Diamond Blades? Is that their squad name?' Gus thought to himself.

"And, on the other, we introduce our second squadron of the night, led by Gus Braye of the Earthen Academy, sponsored by Solus Supplies... The Apex Reapers!!"

There was a man above the arena, perched above in a hanging platform connected to the ceiling by some unseen contraption. As they stepped foot into the arena, Gus noticed that there were seats all around the area, and that they were filled with various spectators, each eager to witness the start of the new season of academy competition.

*Mission Complete: Name your squad.*

*Reward: [5] EXP.*

'Only five?' Despite knowing it was an easy task, Gus was still a little disappointed with the measly reward he received as congratulations.

"Okay, what's our game plan?" Connor asked, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

Gus studied the layout of the arena. A destroyed bus, lengthways between the two doors, acted as the central landmark of the arena.

'Not a lot of empty space,' he thought. Most of the arena was covered in boxes of some kind, dividing up the space nicely with a lot of cover. The only real lines of sight that they would have access to during the fight was the space on either side of the bus.

On the right hand side of the arena was a contraption found in a scrapyard, and a short row of parked cars. It acted as a definitive stop in the midway line of the arena on that side, giving a good position for a team to control but not allowing them to move up any further without coming closer to the centre.

The left was a little more forgiving. An office building was planted in a similar position to the row of cars, but the presence of doors and windows implied access to the space inside was available.

It seemed that the central bus would be the key point of the arena. In an attempt to control it, Gus told his cybernetic heavy hitters in Joel, Teala, and Anten to hold it. He then divided his remaining force into two. Gus went to the left, along with Claire and Emmy, while he sent the others to hold the position at the cars, placing Connor in charge.

"It's a simple fight. We take our positions, control the arena, and win this!" Gus said.

Overhead, in an observation box behind a thick, protective screen, two men sat with devices connected to the TerraNet television channel, a channel that centres around the home system of humanity. Cameras built into the surroundings of the arena and small drones, that hovered over the arena, sent the broadcast of the match across space.

"So, the Diamond Blades versus the Apex Reapers for our first match of the season. Interesting fact about the Reapers, their leader opted to not keep the ten from the enrolment examination together. What do you think of that, Adam?"

"Well, it's certainly an odd choice, Michael. But it might end up being a good one. I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"Who are you fancying for this one?" Michael asked.

"Well, we've not really seen anything from either of them," Adam began. "But, I think I've got to go with the Reapers. Judging from the information cards provided to us by the academy, they have a couple of decent looking cybernetic users, and their Leader bested one of the heavy hitters in combat class just today, not that it will play much into the game today. Speaking of the Leader, we have to mention him. Gus Braye. Who knew that Andrew Braye had any family? As the leader, he will need to harness that ancestral intellect to devise a winning plan. That's not to say that the Blades don't look strong, but I think on paper they're looking a little bit better. What about yourself, Michael?"

"You said it yourself. It's too early to call, but I think that we have to back the Reapers."

Seconds later, a klaxon screamed overhead, and it had started.

The cybernetic trio rushed forward behind a screen of machines deployed by Anten, as the others took cautious positions on either side of the arena.

"And the Reapers here are opting to take a split approach to this round, sending people up the centre and on either flank of the arena, whereas the Blades are taking a far more direct approach to the centre. What do you- Hold on. what's this?"

Mere seconds into the first round, the Reaper's plan had collapsed. Caught off guard by a quick rush up the centre, the Blades had completely taken out the central group of the Reapers. Turning their attention outwards, they traded fire with the two groups on either side and, despite losing a handful of members in response, made short work of the remainder of the Reapers.

The two commentators were stunned. After their prior thoughts, they had thought it impossible for the Reapers to be blown out in that way.

"Well, it seems like all of that planning was no match for a simple, well executed rush strategy up the middle of the arena."

"Indeed it was, Michael. But how do the Reapers come back from this? Do they match it, or do they adapt to the rush and try to trap them? Will they even be given the chance? Stick around to find out after a quick ad break!"

Despite it supposedly being safe, being shocked by the modified Repeaters was a very unpleasant feeling. The shock rapidly spread from the area of impact over the skin, and through the bones. It paralysed you. Gus never wanted to feel it again.

"What happened at the bus?" Gus asked Joel. "Where did they hit you from?"

"I don't know. Not specifically. It was all around, like they got there too quickly," he responded.

"How are we going to counter that rush?" Connor asked.

"We barely had time to set up. We can't let that happen again," Kyle added.

Gus scanned the arena and quickly formed a plan in his mind. To win, there only needed to be one of them left standing. Not the best ideology for a leader to have, but it was acceptable for the circumstances. Realising this, he began to weave that idea into his plan.
