
Nian's evil scheme

The increasing distress with Jun's silence made more and more frowns visible on his handsome face. He disabled the speaker option and said, "Don't take the trouble, Bro."

Jun knew on the other side that Shui wasn't listening anymore.

"Jin, I know it's hard for you. I am not saying what you suffered was a lie. But there are too many unknowns surrounding our past lives. I just hope you keep an open mind until we figure things out."

Which was a big call for Jin to take.

"Please? For your big brother?"

"I will try…" he muttered under his breath.

"Good. Now, don't be mean and drop Shui wherever she wants to go, okay?"

They hung up and feeling extremely livid, Jin glared at Shui. "Aren't you feeling so happy now?"

Shui narrowed her eyes. "I wasn't exactly so thrilled to pull this card, but it's the only card that works against you. You are always on your best behavior whenever Jun is around. Since the beginning."
