
Onto something

After a whole lot of explaining, the answer was as Jun had expected.

"No…I never saw any sort of a golden clock or heard any voices."

Ai said, "Maybe it's about visiting the place again where died. Since Jin never visited the church where he was shot, maybe he didn't witness that phenomenon. For us it was Dream High, for Jin it maybe the-"

"I am not gonna go to see the church," the gnashing of his teeth was audible. "I will never go to that place again, which reminds me of…Han Shui. I don't want to have anything to do with that reminds me of her!"

Jun and Ai exchanged silent glances. He was about to speak when Ai intervened. "There is a possibility of learning something about our past lives. If you also hear those voices, you might get to know a missing piece of the puzzle."

"...This is a waste of time," his voice grew further icy.
