
The golden clock and the voices

It was strange because the cat rarely left the alley. The alley was like the cat's own secret base.

Ai released a sigh.

"Ai, dear. Who are you looking for?" Mrs. Quan, who walked up to her, gently asked.

"Mrs. Quan," she politely smiled back. "The cat."

"Oh," she chuckled, "The cat you are trying to win over."

Ai corrected her. "I have almost won him over. After so many observations, I have brought his favorite food. Today, he will definitely let me pet him."

"Hehe, well good luck. That cat reminds of our Jun. If you are not careful, he will hiss and scratch you."

Her ears perked. "Jun fell for me in the end, and I know the cat will too."

The dark clouds rumbled in the sky, reminding them that it could soon rain. As much as chilly, the atmosphere dictated a sense of mystery today as the cold winds rustled the leaves and trees around them.
