
Don't Lie

Kaveh kisses back and stops Kaede by pushing her back.

Kaede: That wasn't enough to heal me ... and you know that.

Kaveh: (turns red) I didn't think you were ready for this yet. I mean, we really got to -

Kaede jumps Kaveh to the chair and kisses him more.

Sees glimpses of his past.

Kaveh : *Having this blood... people will hate me?

Caleb: That's why we keep moving on, son .

Lana: Kaveh ,and Kori, let's go now !!

Kaede stops and pushes Kaveh away.

Kaveh: Why did you push away? Found something you don't like?

Kaede: You are a vexed blood...and yet you can heal me ...even if I didn't do the ritual..

Kaveh : You didn't do the ritual, and yet we can heal each other how?

Kaede: ( looks away) I'm sorry for my actions...it was selfish of me !! ( runs out of the room )

Kaveh ruffles his hair ...and keeps blushing

Kaveh: Dream of my past, I will dream of yours, you may find it the same story ...we lost our dear siblings. Kaede, your lips are very soft.

Kaede runs downstairs and sees Wilbert and Sally at the end of the stairs.

Sally :Where were you?!

Kaede: I was going... I healed up my arm, see?

Wilbert: I'm going to kill him (runs upstairs)

Kaede: Noooo I asked him to -

Wilbert : Not possible, your words won't do much in this barrier.

Kaede : (blushing) You mean I really kissed him ?

With my honest feelings.... I did see his past.

Wilbert :I was aware of your power, you told him, when he first kissed you.

Kaede: Enough, I know what I said !!

Wilbert: I suggest, if you have feelings for him, to not play with him. Seeing as how he saved us.

Sally: Wilbert, please don't scare her.

Kaede: It's probably because at the time I was being attacked ...

Sally : Time to eat, everything is ready.

Kaede : What is this magic ?!

Sally :No, I learned how to cook, is all.

Kaveh comes down to eat.

Kaveh : What's wrong ?!

Wilbert : You do know her power, right? That what ever she says in that voice -

Kaveh: I know, she did kiss me to try it.

Kaede : Enough, let's just eat.!

With Drew at the camp

Drew :She can't be hard to miss, I know she's been here !!

We are just wanderers, we don't know this Angelle.

Drew: Damn it! I should have not left her behind.

*Spare us ! We don't know you!! What have we done?

Drew*: Sorry, I can't spare anyone...

Yes you can ,you can just walk away ~

Drew pins where the voice to the ground while the others escape.

Tatara: Don't even think about it*!!

Vira: It's been awhile... Drew ...do choke …me... m- more.

Drew : What are you doing here? (let's go of Vira)

Vira: To stop you ... Where's Angelle ?

Drew: I abandoned her ...

With Angelle

Angelle : This cabin … I sense someone…to help...me.

Knocks on the door and falls .

Sally: How did she find this place ?! She even passed the barrier !! Wilbert I'm scared.

Wilbert stares at the girl 

Wilbert : How ?! Is she here?! That's not good...

Sally: How did you find this place ?

Angelle: I just felt a familiar magic and came here... Wilbert ...the boy I failed ...

Wilbert : Hold on, just go eat first .

Kaveh :I changed the barrier, Kaede, what's wrong ?

Kaede: Don't be too nice to her !!

Angelle: Princess Kaine you are here...

Kaede: I'm not Kaine I'm Kaede ...you ...you…killed my siblings. (walks away)

Sally : What was that all about?!

Wilbert: For now, eat, what have you been up to ?

Angelle eats first and drinks.

Moments later

Angelle : I'm so glad you are alive (holds Wilbert's hands) I really am...

Sally: Could I ask why would you say that?!

Angelle: ( let's go of his hands) It's my fault you were left in the storm. I felt so guilty that my blood didn't work for you. The ritual didn't work for many ... I tried saying that to my parents, but they said they already abandoned the child in the storm.

Wilbert: I don't hate you... It was out of my power and it's not your fault.

Angelle : It is my fault, I kept being there like a slave and kept killing others.

Kaede : That's right, don't lie about it, you traitor !!

Sally : You don't have to -

Angelle : Say it too me, it needs to be said.

Sally : No, I will not let my daughters know such hatred.( takes girls) Go ahead once I leave.


Wilbert: Is there a chance we can try the ritual once we are older again ?!

Angelle : We could try it (gaps) watch out !!(pushes Kaede away)

A magic slash appears and slices through Wilbert's back of his chest.

Wilbert spits out blood

Kaede freezes and stares at his blood.


Sally: I heard a ...(sees Wilbert and runs back to the girls.


Kaede runs outside.

Kaveh :NO KAEDE NOT YOU!!! (runs after her)

The barrier slashes Kaede's chest.

Angelle : Stop this !! I'll go with you !!!

Kaveh catches Kaede.

Kaveh : No, no, no, Kaede this is not how it's going to end!!(sniff)

Sally: Wilbert, I can't do this alone !!(goes downstairs)

Angelle: I'm sorry I brought this unto you guys!!

Let them drink my blood. Please with yours, maybe it would boost ... Sally, do you want to blood link with him?

Sally: I will if it's to save him.

Angelle : Kaveh what about you ?!

Kaveh : I didn't want this, but ... I must save her, blood link me.

Sally cuts her wrist and mixes her blood and Wilbert's to the wound.

Angelle : Forgot to mention it takes a toll on your blood, you will bleed white.

Kaveh tries the same method.


Angelle : Where is Sorrianna ? Oh, no ....


With Kaine

Sorrianna : I don't like to be here ...but it's to distract you. We got Kaede, or should I say Drew's plan.

Kaine: Kaede ?! How does he know about ...

Heiji: Stay focus Kaine !!

Kaine: How are you here ? You went from mother to -

Sorrianna slashes Kaine's leg

Kaine tries to dodge but falls on impact.

Sorrianna : I read your mind girly , underestimate me and that's what you get!!

Heiji appears on the back of Sorrianna and points a sword to the back of her neck

Heiji: Stop this, or I will cut you down.

Sorrianna laughs and drops her weapon.

Sorrianna : You wouldn't hurt a pregnant woman, would you?

Kaine : What?! But you-

Sorrianna : I am again, I have yet to tell him though what he gets back.

Back with Kaede ,Kaveh ,Wilbert and Sally.

Angelle : Any time now, Sally ...


Kaveh : I already beat you to it (carrying Kaede away ).


Drew breaks down the door and stabs Sally with the wood from breaking the door.

Sally: How?...the barrier...(spits out blood )

Alexster: Wilbert you bastard having the life of your dreams. Not anymore.

Wilbert looks at Sally bleeding out. Sees her mouth the words ..." save the girls ".

Drew hugs Sally to stab her deeper.

Drew: Where are the girls, you wench ?

Sally: You'll never see them, this...is… My ...last ...wish.

Alexster : A barrier over another ...but how? She is dying.

Drew: I killed your friend and now you...

Alexster : Leave her to die slowly, I'll give her that much time.

Drew pushes Sally away and stands up.

Both Drew and Alexster leave.

Alexster: I'm proud son, you actually came and help me kill them.

Drew: I almost didn't make it, if it weren't for Vira. I ended her life by choking her.

Alexster : Don't Lie to me !! Did you really?!

*With Sally and Wilbert

Wilbert dragging himself to Sally.

Wilbert : It...didn't ....work .. Or else ... I would have by now.

Sally: It's ...my fault...

Wilbert : The girls are....

Sally: ( tears welling up) They are...safe ..Angelle?


Angelle appears with Kaveh.

Angelle cries out : No, it was supposed to work!! It worked for them.

Kaveh :Let me help you guys-

Wilbert :Is Kaede safe ...with her...sisters?

Kaveh :They are ...

Wilbert : All that matters ... Sally?!(turns to face Sally )

His eye water and reaches out to hugs Sally close to him.(sniff)

Angellle falls to her knees, crying.

Kaveh: Everything happened so fast that magic was something else.

Both hear footsteps nearby.

Tatara : You have to help us!!!
