

During their ride on the way to Amiel's workplace, they have placed their favorite catchy song in the car. Since it was still at around seven in the morning, there are limited cars traversing on the road. 

They have opened the windows of the car to allow the salty breeze of the sea to go inside the car and give them refreshment. The breeze was cold but the two of them are not complaining. Especially Irene, she loved how her hair sways along with the wind.

"This feels so great! I wish that I could be with you everyday, love." Amiel nods his head up and down to the beat of the music they are playing in the car. His left elbow is resting on the window of the car. 

"Silly. I can't be with you in work everyday. Otherwise you will not miss me anymore because you get to see me in every hour and every minute everyday," Irene said as a response to Amiel.
