
Vivace Lamentoso

He woke up to a beautiful crow lying next to him, naked. As Dubhán shifted his weight, Sayuri moaned. 

"Don't get up…." 

He chuckled. "Well, it's an appointment for me, not you, so you don't need to budge."

Sayuri opened her eyes a little to watch him get dressed. 

"What are you going to talk about?" 

"Probably Sloth shit and my responsibilities, yadda, yadda." Dubhán sighed. 

The Tengu reached out for him, then decided otherwise, caressing the dent he had left in the mattress instead. 

"Is… is it that terrible to be in a pack?" 

Not having the heart, to tell the truth, Dubhán merely looked at her with a sad smile. He kneeled forward to ruffle her hair, then turned around to leave the bedroom. 
