
Chapter 396: The Wolf Prize in Physics

At the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Convention, Zhao Yi repeatedly mentioned 'speculation' in his presentation, and explained that it was based on 'feeling', which puzzled the medical researchers present. They mostly relied on experience rather than 'feeling'.

In the end, they just chalked it up to sheer talent.

"Zhao Yi truly is talented!"

"Geniuses are indeed different!"

"No wonder he could achieve such results, the 'Tianqing Protein' is even more promising, pity, it's too hard to get our hands on."

"The Wucheng Pharmaceutical Factory will surely provide some of the 'Tianqing Protein' for research, right?"

"In a short amount of time, it would be difficult..."

The presentation on the 2CV-Bing Hydrogen molecule was just the 'opening act'. The Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Convention lasted for two days, had a lot of content to get through, and was set to last for two days.
