
Survival instincts

Mark glanced around, then he said to Steven, "Continue attacking. Desmond and Fredrick should follow me. Let us break doors and we can use that as a shield to push the Zombies out of the way!"

" Good idea, go!"Steven yelled.

" Let go!hurry!" Mark encouraged.

The others continued fighting the Zombies while mark, Fredrick, and Desmond went ahead to get the broken door. They fought the zombies that came their way and tried to meet up with the others before the zombies increased the more.

"Mark!" Cleo yelled.

The guys came back with two broken doors, then they used the two doors as shields at two angles, avoiding the Zombies.

"What now?" Asked Mia.

"At the counting of three, you guys should push forward to the left direction, and we would tag along and make sure we don't get attack from behind," explained Mark.

" Okay," Cleo muttered.

" Okay, everybody. one, two, three, "Mike counted.

" Push!"Steven screamed.

And they pushed with all their strength.
