
Chapter 47: Space Fight! 

A 60m long modified cargo spaceship exits the jump point. The spaceship looks dirty and there's rust all over the place. One might wonder how the ship could move at all. 

"Once I find the Terran's home planet, I will be sure to eat a lot of them", the captain of the ship, an alien with scaly skin, 6 '7 foot tall, and with sharp teeth said with anger. 

A thief has come and stolen his pirate loot before. He didn't know who he was, only going by the name of 'Star Prince' or something. " I will make sure that you regret messing with The Scale Pirates!"  He tried to find the Terran home planet, but he had to jump randomly to avoid pursuit . Making him lost at this part of the galaxy.

"Captain!! A ship is spotted ahead!", a red-humanoid monkey said to his captain. "Is it part of the empires?"

"No Captain, it looks like a Ravager ship, but bigger". Tugo, the scaly pirate, blows his top when he sees the ravager-looking ship. The thief also has a similar ship. "Attack them, destroy the ship!" 

The monkey quickly said "Captain, that's a waste! We should loot the ship after we kill everyone on board. And it looks like they aren't running when they see us!" The rest of the crew becomes rowdy! 

The crew is excited because following the captain, they can taste a lot of different races, and loot whatever they want. And they all never tasted a Terran before! 

" Let's go, shoot the ship down and prepare to board!", the captain said after calming down. It's pretty stupid if he willingly makes a loss. "It seems like our holding cell…. or food stock will be full again after these boys!" 

Yelena and Park Shin are excited to see another spaceship before the ship starts to fire at theirs. "Incoming transmission from the cargo ship. They want us to surrender everything precious to them, and let them board the ship", Red Queen said. 

The ship had been using an automatic maneuver to avoid the shooting. "Red Queen... Fight back", the elf said calmly. He thought in his heart "What a joke, do you think a modified cargo ship can take on my ship?"

"What should we do?" Park Shin and Yelena askes. They want to contribute something. "Prepare to board their ship."

A compartment on the ship opens, and many versions of energy guns and weapons are stacked neatly there. The elf chooses a few and gives them to the girls. Yelena chooses two guns and mini shockwave bombs. Park Shin chooses a sword and a gun.

On the other ship "Captain, we are under heavy fire!", the monkey screamed. "Damn it! RUN AWAY!" They have made a mistake. Tugo wants to run away now. When people become pirates, they have become accustomed to fighting only weak people. 

While preparing to run, the ship suddenly stopped. "What's going on!? Why are we stopping?"Tugo is anxious. "Captain, all the controls are frozen." It's a nightmare for the pirates. Another crew screams "We are being boarded!!" 

"Damn it, who the hell opened the hatch!", the captain demanded an answer. By this time, the AI Red Queen had already taken over 70% of the ship. The trio, elf, Yelena, and Park Shin, had boarded the ship using a small shuttle. 

The 20 or so pirates see that only 3 people boarded the ship. Their suspense turns to happiness when they see it. "Hahaha, there's only 3. Do you think you can take on us with just 3 people? You've better stay on the ship and run away!" 

Amidst the laughter, the elf said "Not with only 3 people." His sentence caused more laughter from the pirate crew. "Only me is enough", he said.

"Get them" Tugo feels threatened and wants this to end as soon as possible. Before the pirate could shoot, the elf is done chanting his magic. "[TIER 4 MAGIC: PARALYSIS] ." 

Instantly, all the pirates are bound by the magic. They couldn't move their body, only their eyes. All of them have a look of horror in their eyes. Yelena sees this, shook her head, and says "You don't even need to arm us if you're going to do it yourself" 

"My bad. You can pick some if you want to fight them". The elf is in total control of the situation. Yelena and Park Shin take a look at one another, and decide "afterward maybe. Do what you want to do first." 

The elf nodded. He goes to the nearest pirate. "Why are you in this part of the universe?" 

The random pirate, surprisingly, can talk now. "Esteemed Magician, we are just passing by this part to transp…" before he could finish, the elf blew his head off with his plasma gun. 

"Anyone who tells lies will end up with the same fate as him." He threatened every pirate here. He turned to another pirate that looked like a red monkey. "Now you" 

"My-my-my lord… we come here to search for Terrans. Our captain wants to eat Terrans meat!", the monkey didn't hesitate to betray his captain. "Oh, is that it?" the elf said with indifference. 

The monkey becomes scared that his head will be blown off, so he talks about everything "Our captain wants to... Our captain kidnaps... Our captain had killed…"

The elf checks the prisoner on the ship. There's a total of 4 adults and 3 kids captured by the carnivorous alien. Once he confirmed the monkey said the truth, he said "You did good, I won't kill you." 

Still shaking in his boots, the monkey breathes a sigh of relief. But then, "I won't kill you. But I don't know about your captain". 

Surprisingly, the magic cast on Tugo, a scaly alien that looks like a crocodile, is broken by him. "You fucking monkey!" he screams and goes to bite the monkey's head off. Still couldn't move, the monkey screams "Noooo ''. 

In just one bite. The head of the monkey is eaten by Tugo. "Now, it's your turn". 

The elf didn't know where the alien got his confidence when facing him. "Really?" He cast [Tier 3 Modified magic: Flame Sphere] 

This modified magic is useful in space, as it burns the enemy using mana, instead of oxygen. The flame quickly surrounds Tugo's body. "Wait -wait wait, I surren…ARRGGHH!!". He screams as the flame licks his body. 

Amidst the inhuman screams, the elf already lost interest in the space pirates. "Yelena, Shin. They want to go to earth to eat some humans. What do you think should be done to them?" 

"Kill Them", they answered unanimously. The elf nodded." Pick some bastard. It'll be a good experience. "

None of the aliens on the ship looks like a human. All of them are very ugly." I picked that one. "Yelena picked an alien that looked like a rooster. 

Park Shin picked another that has scales all over its body. The elf said to the chosen ones." I want to kill all of you, but my kids want to test their mettle. If you win, then I'll spare your life. "

He wanted them to fight with their best. Park Shin starts first as the opponent also uses a sword. The elf releases the alien from paralysis. 

"Die!!!" the scaly alien screams as she cuts down toward Park Shin. The 15-year-old girl snorted. "You are too weak!" His steps are too slow, his swordplay is too rough, and he is too ugly. "There isn't a single good quality in you" 

Parrying the sword, the alien is shocked by the girl's power. "She's stronger than me!"

"With the gift Deer God gives me, I will protect what's mine!", she vows to herself. She breaks off the contact, and she swings her sword quickly to the alien's neck, beheading him from his body. 

"Boy, I sure saw a lot of heads get cut from their bodies today. Wait. One of them is eaten. But it still counts.", the elf started to ramble. He is too bored. "Park Shin, your swordplay still needs a lot of practice, but you have talent in it." 

"YES, DEER GOD!" Park Shin is very excited as she gets complimented. Yelena couldn't wait to try. "Me next!" 

"Okay, get ready.'' The elf releases the rooster. But surprisingly, he ran away. "I don't want to fight a god's kid!" he thought. Only people like the Asgardian are vain enough to call themselves God. But they are very strong and could support the statement. 

The rooster assumes that the leader is an Asgardian as the kid calls him 'Deer God'." If there's no way out for the crew, I should at least survive". 

Yelena is dissatisfied. "Why the hell did I pick a chicken?" It seems like the word struck a nerve as the rooster turned back and said "What the hell did you call me?!" He looks vicious but his feet are still backing away though. 

She closes the distance to the running pirate, before starting to shoot. The rooster, under heavy fire, decided to fight back. 

"You want some?" The elf takes out some popcorn and offers Park Shin. She didn't get surprised anymore at Deer God's eccentricity. "Yes, for sure." They watch the fight while snacking. 

The rooster uses the cargo as a cover, and his fight with Yelena continues for a while. "I used to be very good at guns. But now it seems like I need to practice more." Yelena is helpless. When she glances at the Deer God before, he is eating popcorn. 

She got angry and jumped over the cargo, to shoot at the rooster's head from the top. "Argh! DON'T KILL ME!", 

"SHUT UP! YOU'RE MAKING ME LOOK BAD!"Yelena yells and blows the rooster's head off! 

Park Shin slowly claps to mock her." Damn it, let me pick another one. Someone who isn't a chicken! "

" Hahahaha" the elf laughs. After the fight, he goes to check on the prisoner. They have a feather instead of hair, and there's a little feather on their arms. Referencing his memory, he knows that they are.

"Why are the members of the Shi'ar empire here?", he asked the prisoner. They didn't reply to him. But a kid did. "They ambush us when we are sightseeing." 

"You must have a status kid, that you can talk for all of these people". 

"That's right Asgardian. Please save me and I'll reward you later!" The kid schemes in his head." Asgardian is muscle heads, but they have a sense of justice. If I can bring him to the Shi'ar empire, I can marry him as a reward and have strong babies "

The religion of the Shi'ar empire encourages them to marry outside their races. The kid, who has a royal bloodline in her, forces her slaves to come with her when she runs away to find a husband. 

Compared to other Shi'ar people, the royals have more emotions and can develop special abilities. But she didn't have one, so she needed to marry a strong race. 

But the one she's speaking to isn't an Asgardian in the first place. The elf had been using legilimency to read her surface thought, and now knows her scheme. 

"Wait, where are you going!" the kid screams as the man walks away. "Looting", he answered. When he says that, she becomes fearful, as Shi'ar people didn't consider humor in their culture. In a trial also, they didn't look at the intention, but only the crime. 

"You're a pirate!"  The elf ignored the kid. In the pirate ship, there's a lot of stuff. He packed them all up into his ships. He got some ores, a universal currency called units, precious stuff, weapons, fuel, and more. It's not much, but it's very new to him, making him intrigued. 

Park Shin asked the elf when he was leaving the ship." Are you going to let them live?", she pointed at the pirates. The elf facepalmed. "I forgot." 

With an incantation [Tier 4 Magic: Wind Slash], all the pirates are now dead. Yelena and Park Shin look at the elf weirdly. "How could he forget that?" Yelena whispered. 

"Maybe they are too weak, it didn't even enter his eyes," Park Shin said in a whisper also. Yelena asked this time, "What's about the spaceship and the prisoner?" 

"It depends on R.Q." The elf asked the AI to create an autopilot program that will bring the ship to Xandar. The prisoner will be released by the ship when they are close to the empire. 

Hearing the explanation, Park Shin and Yelena boarded the ship. They returned to theirs and checked their loot. "The energy gun is useful for me as a reference to upgrade mine. The Star Maps are also useful" 

He didn't care about the pirate spaceship as its very low quality. He had also deleted the trace of it ever going near earth. Once the ship reaches Xandar, the control panel will explode once it lands. Making all the records obsolete. 

"Red Queen set a course for home," The elf said. Before meeting the pirates, he'd already done the quest mission to get soil samples from 19 planets. "I'm going to let the kids on the island analyze it later". He's getting lazier and lazier. He finally returned home after a week in space. 


A few weeks later, in Asgard. "There was an accusation from the Shi'ar empire, about an Asgardian that looted a pirate ship, and let the prisoner, that is the Shi'ar royalty, inside the spaceship to die. Luckily the ship ended up near Xandar, and they were rescued." 

Fandral tells the rest of the warriors 3, Lady Sif, and Thor the story he hears in the tavern they visited." Such an act of villainy. We need to find the man. " Hogan said. 

The storyteller continues" it seems like the man knows magic. And is accompanied by two attendants. The Princess also claims that he had put his hand on her, and now she can't be anyone else wife other than him"

Thor said "Wait, a male Asgardian who knows magic?". "Ahh.", all of them come to a realization, who is this about. "To think he is so wretched he will do such a thing" Lady Sif is angry and reaches for her sword. 

"Wait, I'll ask him about the matter first. It might not be him". Thor said that while calming Sif down, but he's not very sure about it. "I really hope it isn't you brother". He prays in his heart. 

Loki, who is minding his own business at this time, was pitted without even knowing about it. It couldn't be helped as he is the only male Asgardian who learns magic.


Ryan sighs. "What is going on man. I've given you guys the perfect chance!" He feels like giving up on his scheme.

All his plans, the scandal, his father being injured, and his rude attitude towards Shield, seem useless. 'But I did make Gwen get off the monitoring list' He had achieved one good thing. 

He had a miscalculation on his plan actually, that is the 'good' relationship he has with Stark. 

After all, witnesses have seen Iron Man flying to his house at night. Other than fueling the BL community to make artwork about him and Tony, his enemies are also wary. 

Alexander Pierce and Gideon Malik especially. They met offline, so Ryan didn't know what they had discussed. 

Alexander Pierce is meeting Gideon Malik because of the contact Fury had with Tony Stark and their potential member, Ryan. "No matter what happens, the Avenger Initiative program must be shut down, or fall into Hydra's hand" 

Gideon is nodding to that statement. "Don't worry, it won't pass" He had already influenced the members of the World Security Council about it. By showing them how the program will be targeting their insecurities and benefits, the rest of the Council members show aversion to it. 

They didn't take their chance to invite Ryan to Hydra because of Fury. They had to be alert to Fury's movement right now. After Pierce left, Gideon Malik summoned his daughter to meet with him. 

"You have been meeting with Knight for a while now, any progress on your relationship with him?" Gideon may seem calm, but he is fuming inside. Seeing that his daughter is avoiding his eyes, his anger exploded. 

He said in a harsh tone. "Did my daughter become a common whore? That can be used by any guy whenever they want?"  

Stephanie is still silent. The Knight kid's actions are hateful to her. He'd only meet her for a booty call. Nevertheless, their meeting has been fun for her. She didn't want it to end early, that's why she kept coming back to see him even when he treated her like reusable trash. 

A feeling that is foreign to her starts to grow every time she meets him. Because every time they were together, she wasn't Stephanie Malik, and the boy wasn't Ryan Knight. They are just two people who enjoy each other's company at the moment.

Ryan also has some problems with the male lead of this farce. Dana comes in to beg him to get out of this assignment. "I feel like if I continue, I will fall for her". 

Before this, he considered the assignment to infiltrate Hydra that his employer told him would be the peak of his life. Never would he have thought he would be stumped at the entrance to society.

Ryan sighs again while looking back at the event. " Why does the plot move like a smut novel for the couple?"
