
The Upgrade and the Workshop

"Ok girls now get up I have some work to do before I come and play with you all", I said while patting each of their heads.

They looked dejected but were happy that I would play with them, when free.

I was about to leave but Violet, the mischievous one, of my daughters, suddenly blocked my way and asked, "What are you going to do father?".

I ruffled her Yellow-colored hair and said, "I am going to build a workshop down the mountain and upgrade our home to make it more comfortable and cool".

"Are you going to build it with magic?", Avery, Penelope, and Nora asked at the same time.

Avery, Penelope, and Nora were triplets and they usually spoke at the same time. They had Purple hair and purple pupils. They could be said to be the three Musketeers, as they were interested in fighting and swords. They were the ones who became a fan of Katana when they saw her with a sword and cool costume.

Their question intrigued all my daughters including Cleo who was standing on the sideline observing our interaction.

"Umm, can we go with you to watch you build it?", asked Ella, the shy one, with a meek voice, barely audible.

Ella had white hair and red eyes, she usually didn't speak unless necessary, but the magic was too tempting to ignore.

Before I could answer her, Mia, the mature one, of my daughters came forward and said, "Don't disturb father, it might be dangerous for us to be around and we don't want to come in father's way, during his work".

She also wanted to see me perform magic, but she didn't want to disturb me in the process.

I pat her head and said, "It's a great idea but you all have to follow my instructions and stay at the place I will mention, Okay".

"Okay, father", they all said at once, excitement could be felt in their voices.

I went to the kitchen to pack some food and drinks for them and then I along with my daughters, Cleo and Luna, the Wolf, strode down the mountain along the path that I made.

Meanwhile, Vanessa and the ladies were taking a tour around the castle.

We reached the location I chose to build the workshop or laboratory. I made a small shed for the girls to sit in and then I started my work.

I already had a design in my mind, so I started to use my Technomancy skills to change the core of the mountain to Vibranium.

I didn't change the whole mountain into vibranium cause I want to do farming and gardening on it.

The core was a thick cylinder starting from many feet below the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. This core would act as a support beam.

After the completion of the beam, I started to build the laboratory. After 1 hour of continuous work, the laboratory was complete.

I made two floors, the first floor was for the medical department and the second was for other departments. I made a cafeteria, gym, swimming pool, tennis court, Badminton court, and many more courts for the games that could be played indoors.

I made them give my employee a place to relieve stress and work while maintaining their health.

I made different machines as per the requirements of different departments on the first floor.

The machines and the technologies that I made were purely running on magical energies.

Like, every desktop, or rather an all-in-one monitor, was a supercomputer. It was thin as paper but was super strong and extremely fast.

As I unlocked more information related to magical technology, I came to understand that electrical energy could be considered outdated.

Every advanced technology used magical energy as its source to work. The Magical energy was not dependent on the flow of electrons and hence there was no concept of resistance when it comes to magical energy, so no heating issues, and no energy dissipation.

Due to these reasons, I converted every electrical appliance into a magical appliance. The conversion reduced the weight and increased the efficiency.

I also used a magical diagram to create a washing machine. This washing machine was a semipermeable membrane of magical energy which cleaned clothes or anything passing through it.

I replaced different electrical appliances with magical circuits performing the same task, such as air conditioning, air purification, dehumidifier, etc.

I already assigned one portion of my mind to program a Home UI, to change my home into a fully automated and voice-controlled one. I would integrate it into the Castle and Laboratory when I was done with the finishing.

As energy could be converted from one form to another so I converted all the vibrational energy from Vibranium into magical energy using the Conversion Circuit.

My daughters were cheering me up from the background. They didn't see me building the castle, so they were excited to see me build the laboratory.

I completed the finishings and integration of the UI within an hour.

The laboratory looked like a flattened cylinder, I hid it by covering it with the soil and rock.

I would have made it inside the mountain from the start but I had to perform for my daughters.

The entrance was a lift that was attached to the beam and was accessible from the castle.

The last thing that I added was a security system, which was quite easy.

Everything and Everyone in the universe radiates energy signatures. These signatures were different for every different creation in the universe.

Human beings also had these signatures, and I made my security system by using these signatures. I scanned everybody in the castle including me and uploaded the energy signatures into the security system and registered them using the personal details of everybody present in the castle.

Those who were not registered could not perform magic on my property and also could not trespass on my property without my permission, that was the reason that Ancient One was unable to open the portal.

Every coding of the UI and security system was done using a more advanced programming language. This programming language used energy signatures rather than 0 and 1 for input and output.

The language was very complex and its lesser version was used by Celestials to program and make the Eternals.

I already started to build an A.I. using this language. I don't need A.I. as I had infinite intelligence but the A.I. would help the ladies in the castle in their work and day-to-day life.

I completed my work and turned around to see my daughters but I found them asleep. They got tired of all the cheering and shouting. I opened the portal and put them in their bed.

They didn't have a proper sleep as they slept at 4 am in my hands crying and woke at 7 am due to hunger and the smell of my cooking.
