
Chapter 16: Iron Man Vs Unicorn

Tony looks at the two thugs who are looking rather confused as to what to make of the odd situation before ignoring them and slowly landing next to Pepper and speaks to her his voice clearly changed by the suit. " are you alright there miss did these hooligans harm you?" Pepper looks at the being in front of her rather confused but as she shakes her head she answers.

" I don't know who you're supposed to be but I'm fine I've been worse but are you sure you want to ignore them like that" Pepper points out as both men charge up their corresponding attacks but Jarvis had already let Tony and as they unleash them Tony spins around and holds out his hands and a translucent barrier appears and stops the blasts but not before making Tony slide back slightly.

Tony blinks and looks at the villains again " Jarvis scan their tech that sort of weaponry shouldn't be in their hands" Tony then speaks out in the Iron Man voice" I don't know how you boys managed to get that tech but it's too dangerous to let you keep it."

Tony then turns to Pepper Checking out her gear and sees the small bruises on her arms before smirking under his mask " Well my lady it seems that your dance partner really didn't know what he was doing." Tony then blocks another two blasts before continuing.

" And he seems jealous, care to dance with me instead?" Pepper frowns finding something about this situation strangely familiar before shaking her head and grinning" Yeah that sounds fine with me after all I don't mind correcting bad behavior"

Pepper pulls out a baton that was hidden someplace Tony wasn't expecting and then rushes Shocker once again as Tony follows her before firing his repulsors at Unicorn only to have them met with a blast from him as well. Just then Jarvis speaks up " Sir I cannot seem to scan the tech remotely as whoever made them has shielded them well might I suggest the acquisition of the Items in question"

" Well then looks like we need to be careful then don't want to wreck my new tech" Tony then flies around blasting toward Unicorn with repulsors narrowly dodging the retaliatory lasers coming from Unicorn.

The Unicorn eventually gets fed up and rushes to a nearby forklift before lifting it and throwing it at Iron man hitting him and sending him into a couple of docking containers before heading over and grabbing him by the head and blasting him point blank.

Tony groans as he gets up and Jarvis speaks to him" Are you, ok sir?" Tony then laughs before getting up" Yeah just a bit different the stopping a train." Tony then flies and punches Unicorn sending him flying before raining down repulsor blasts.

After a short fight between the two Unicorn once again catches Tony off guard and blasts Tony to the ground and before he could get up Unicorn steps on him and starts blasting him continuously " you know what I'm sick of this cat and mouse game Ironman and well for getting in the bosses way I'm gonna use your head and as a doorstop."

meanwhile, in the armor, Jarvis pipes up " Sir the armor cannot take much more of this." Tony replies in a huff " I know Jarvis, reroute power from thrusters and jets to unibeam" he then replies to Unicorn " Well that's just rude and foolish" while he finishes speaking Tony blasts Unicorn with the unibeam sending him blasting into a pile of steel beams and knocking him out cold. "That takes care of that now then how is my dance partner doing?"

Hey guys sorry I missed last week's chapter here you got I will also be dropping another one this week as well as an apology chapter this weekend maybe

Demonicgundamcreators' thoughts