
Welcome to the World, Little One

The next morning, Kalea awoke to intense contractions stronger than before. The pain was so severe that she could barely endure it. Kai, seeing Kalea's condition, acted quickly and called the doctor to begin the delivery process. Within minutes, Kalea was moved to the delivery room.

"Would Mr. Egner like to join her for support?" Dr. Sadie asked, causing Kai to pause, torn by a whirlwind of emotions. He managed a bitter smile and shook his head slowly.

"I think … it's better if I wait outside. I'll try to contact someone more deserving to be there," Kai replied politely, watching as the door closed, separating him from Kalea, who was preparing for the most critical moment.

With clenched fists, Kai struggled with his thoughts. It wasn't that he didn't want to be there when she faced a moment between life and death. But his heart and mind were at odds. Pulling out his phone, he contacted the one person who should be informed of Kalea's condition.
