
The journal of Keikaku and Room of Requirement

The rest of the welcoming feast was spent with me deep in thought as I ate the food in front of me. Occasionally some older students would even ask me if I was alright, to which I would politely reassure them, but other than that it was uneventful and eventually all the first years were guided to their dorms by their prefects.

Surprisingly enough the dorms weren't protected with riddles like I had expected, instead being protected by a normal password, but after everything that's happened today that wasn't even that notable.

"Now pick one of the empty rooms down the halls on the first floor and tap your wand onto the handle to make it the key," the prefect, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here, told everyone while pointing to the halls, "you'll have tomorrow off, but I'd suggest going to sleep now."

Then, without further words, he left. Completely ignoring my attempt to get his attention to ask him a question.

"Do you have a question?" fortunately, the other prefect wasn't as much of a dick and came over to answer my question.

"I just wanted to ask if someone could get into my room if they took my wand?"

"I mean technically?" the prefect frowns while scratching her head, "you shouldn't really ever lose your wand, but yeah, your wand is essentially the key… though that does mean that you'll be locked out if you don't have your wand on you. But if that ever happens, you can go to Professor Flitwick to get him to open the door and change it to your new wand, if you got one by then."

I nod, thanking her even as I hid a frown, and made my way to one of the rooms.

While it hadn't been outright stated, she had more or less confirmed that the staff could enter my room with no need for my consent. Not that it wasn't expected, but the confirmation only made it feel worse.

But for now I had to find an empty room, something that was accomplished soon after.

"Oh yeah, they definitely used some space expansion here," the room I entered wasn't even that large, but it was definitely too large for it to fit into the tower that the Ravenclaw dorms were in. That, combined with the fact that there was a fully furnished study (that strangely enough had what appeared to be an electric lamp but with no wiring) across from the fully furnished bedroom, made it all seem very… decadent.

An impression made all the stronger by my sleepwear hanging from the railing of the four-poster bed, looking freshly ironed (probably via house elf magic). Though it wasn't like I was about to get any usage out of it tonight.

Indeed, since they'd somehow (probably through magic) already got my trunk to me, I instead went and retrieved a simple notebook and pen.

There was after all no way my plan of simply studying using the room of requirement and occasionally completing the optional objectives was going to work anymore, so I may as well get started on my planning journal like I'd intended now, especially since I have tomorrow off.

So, after turning on the lamp and making myself comfortable at the table, I wrote the first words of my first plan onto the page.

…hopefully writing everything in secret code based on future memes and internet slang from a different world will make it undecipherable.

- Early morning, day after the welcoming feast –

Surprisingly enough, coffee was actually served in the great hall for breakfast.

Good thing too since after a full night of just planning it was the only thing keeping me from dropping from exhaustion. Though the exhaustion was secondary to the satisfaction I felt at having a solid plan that takes into account any changes.

"This should be the place," the first step of which I was already accomplishing as I stood in front of the tapestries of a guy teaching trolls to dance.

The room of requirement.

From my memories of my previous life It was a game changer, to say the least, being able to turn into a perfect room for anything I need and even providing equipment. But even more importantly, it was the most secret room in the castle.

What's more, judging from what I was seeing in the room upon entering, it also seemed to have some of the non-canon abilities.

"The darkest rituals," I read aloud the title of the sinister looking book, looking around at the library filled with similarly forbidden looking books, "yeah, this'll make everything easier."

Unfortunately, I wasn't quite able to start on the ritual books since, despite having what I'd call a sizeable amount of knowledge in the subject, since the books from the room used different words for things than my book.

It wasn't that big of a deal, being similar to 'indices' being called 'powers' by some people, but it did mean that I'd have to waste time on relearning the basics (that I already know) before I get to my actual level of knowledge.

"Well, if I'm going back to the basics, might as well do it for everything," putting back the advanced books back I picked out the basic books on all the subject along with the one for rituals.

I should be able to cram everything in about a week or two anyways… but first I gotta scavenge what I could from the lost and found version of the room.



- "Megamind"

- "Project: Gigachad"

- "Heist off"

- "Rooster v snek"

- "2020 contingency"

Funny thing, I got hit by a car at decent speed.

I'd rate the experience 2/10... didn't break one of my limbs after all.

DoBeDocreators' thoughts