
Into the cosmos

A/N: okay so some readers are happy with the space arc and some are just telling me to tell them when it's over. So I ask to just give it a try, what you can expect is not the normal space fleet creation, nor becoming a bounty hunter. He will be going to different planets, learning and enjoying the vast cosmos. With a little twist of course.

-Harry Potter pov -

I tricked out the pearl, for when I want to use it in space, then I decided to enjoy my dinner for the night, for in the morning I'm leaving to adventure in the vast cosmos, I wonder what I will find out there?

Honestly, Marvel wasn't very interesting space-wise, but I think if I adventure enough, I will be able to find cool stuff. Although on my list is stealing from the collector, that would be hilarious, maybe even snagging something of Thanos's maybe his sword would be cool.

I ate my dinner in peace, I then spent the rest of the night talking to the portraits about mundane things, it was honestly calming, we had the most mundane conversations, but they always seemed to make my day complete.

After I finished my scrumptious meal, I took the tesseract from my inventory and thought of a planet, I didn't really have a destination in mind, so I let the space stone choose for me.

The portal opened and I stepped through, starting my journey through the infinite universe.


I stepped into an open plane, nothing major stood out, overall it was pretty normal, well except for the literal Minecraft biome thing going on.

I literally saw one area being a jungle, another a dessert, and I'm currently in a normal grassland.

I started to fly around looking for civilization, eventually, I found myself looking at a village, huge beings were walking around, they wore animal skin for clothes, and carried low-quality weapons, this is a backwater planet.

I floated higher and higher into the sky, activating my divine energy, my aura wafted throughout the atmosphere, and the inhabitants of this planet turned to look at me, I saw some drop to their knees.

I decided I wasn't going to stay long on this planet, but I could at least help them out. Swiping my hand, small balls of light launched forward and went inside the heads of the beings.

I just gave them all of the knowledge they need to become a high-functioning society, hopefully, they use it well.

Deciding I'm done with this planet, I took the tesseract and made another portal, I then crossed through it. Hoping I end up somewhere cooler.

I found myself on a weird planet, it was city-like, and everything was made of metal, I saw several different races running about.

Very interesting.

I started walking around, and eventually, I found myself in what seemed to be the central area.

"Hey I heard, there will be a huge auction today," I heard some being that looked like a weird octopus say

"Yeah but only those rich guys ever buy stuff," the octopus aliens friend replied

I'm glad I have the ability if all speak, it would be a pain using translation magic with all of these new languages.

I'm definitely going to this auction, I don't even care that I don't have any currency that could work here.

It just sounds fun.

Anyways I wonder what planet I am on?

-Narrator pov -

Meanwhile, on the planet, Harry first visited the situation was very weird, the giant beings, were stunned, from their point of view a shining godly being came into their home, and gifted them unparalleled knowledge, they were stunned, Shocked, and most of all fanatical.

The only things they remember of him were the bright he lights off, the feeling he gave them, and the piercing-slitted eyes that stared down at them.

The inhabitants of this planet didn't Immediately act on the knowledge the godly being gave them. The first started to make banners of those eyes with a holy golden energy swirling around them.

Then they prayed to him, the beings didn't know Harry's name so they just prayed while thinking of him.

This was the start of something very beautiful yet chaotic.

-Harry pov -

It took me a while to find this auction house that everyone was raving about. Yeah, auction house my ass more like a fucking auction castle. This place is huge. Makes my castle back in Britain feel like a cheap piece of shit.

I walked in and got searched, not like I had anything on me anyways.

After getting searched I approached the front desk area.

"I would like to attend the auction of the year," I said to the pink alien lady upfront

"I'm sorry sir, all passes are sold out," she said with a regretful smile

"Ah no problem then, thank you," I replied with a harmless smile and walked out

I stood outside, reading everyone's minds trying to find someone that had a pass.

I'm going to be in a real bad mood if I miss my first space auction.

Soon I saw someone, he looked rather rich, and he was also alone. I read his mind and saw that he had a Vip room booked for the auction.

He kind of looked like a human, but had green skin instead, and a weird earthy aura. Like he was a piece of dirt. And I mean that in the kindness way possible.

I walked up to him, he and I were a ways away from the auction castle, so I could approach him easily.

I turned invisible and rushed him. I didn't really have time to waste, so I just um elegantly, knocked him out, took all of his belongings, and read his mind.

I did not mug him.

Just, hastily robbed him.

I used my metamorphic abilities to turn into him, then I just threw his knocked-out form into an alleyway and left.

No one saw, because the second I approached him I put an illusion up of him just checking the were triangle device he had.

A space phone!


I then walked into the auction house, the guards were a lot nicer when j showed them my Vip pass.

Soon someone lead me into my room.

"It's a pleasure to have you here prince Kytheon, let us know if you need anything," the attendant said then left

Oh yeah, this guy is a prince of the race of Klethorian. He ditched his guards to come here, I'm sure he will be regretting that later.

I'm starting to think some plot armor is happening here, because what type of weak-ass prince ditches his guards to go to an auction.

This is my harry potter main character bonus coming in clutch.

"Hello everyone! We are going to start the auction off right away! For the first item, we have a Vc-56 battle ship fresh off the latest Kree war!" The announcer said in a giddy tone

Then she said some starting price, and honestly, I have no clue what type of money is what. I mainly focused on getting his mannerisms and other memories.

Ah, fuck it.

I pressed my button.

Soon it was just me and this other guy betting, he seemed to not want to back down. I instantly thought of that good old trick they use in those Chinese novels. Where the mc makes his opponent spend way too much money.

"Just give up!" someone yelled I'm guessing it was my opponent

"I'm afraid I will have to decline," I replied using Kytheon's speech patterns

We went back and forth a little more until I backed off.

Even though I'm not too sure about the value of these numbers, I can tell that my opponent just paid way too much for this battleship.

As the auction went on I made sure to bid on anything that looked cool, not going to lie I did get some stuff that I have no clue how to lose.

Soon the auction finished, and I left to collect my items, it was east enough paying seeing as how the thing just needed my fingerprint, facial scan, and eye scan.

I walked to the elevator to pick up my successful bids, I got one cargo ship, one battleship, and a bunch of rare plants.

Seeing as I got everything I wanted I left.

-Narrator pov-

Harry left the auction house blissfully unaware of the chaos he just created, what he didn't realize was that his first opponent and another one were higher-ups of different races on the planet nafusi, of which the race Klathorian is the most prominent.

"Why was he trying to buy so many weapons! What is the prince planning?" Bathamis, Harry's first opponent asked

"I don't know, and be went under his name, was he trying to show us he knows?" the other asked

"What about your spies following him?" Bathamis asked

"They said he disappeared out of nowhere,"

"Who is he working with! And how much does he know!" Bathamis said in an angry tone.

-Harry pov -

I feel like I just scrwed someone over majorly, oops.

Anyways, after I left, I felt two people following me so I teleported away. I landed in the housing district, I want to rent a place to hit and see all this place had to offer.

Seeing as I only have the prince's money on me I couldn't use it, using it would spell trouble, seeing as I'm sure someone monitors his money spending habits.

So I just compelled the front desk person, it was easy enough.


A/N: first space chapter! Going to try and add some cool races, also about the system you haven't seen the shop in a while because I'm honestly at a loss at what new items to show.
