
Exiled Princess

'Man I got a headache...'

Blake thought as he woke up in his bed. He had gotten a mild headache from his anger towards the Justice League and their Junior League. To say that he didn't want anything to do with them now was an understatement. As the teen sat up, he wiped the sleep from his eyes then slowly moved out of his bed.

The day was cloudy, showing that it was most likely going to rain later on today. Blake of course wanted to change how the sky was but remembered that his mother would scold him for it.

'Alright, let's get breakfast started.' He had thought, then walked out of his bedroom beginning to stride over to the kitchen. An hour later, he was walking up the stairs towards his mother's bedroom. Blake was carrying a tray of Sunnyside up eggs, freshly cooked bacon, two stacks of pancakes, as well as a glass of orange juice.

With a knock to the door, Blake slowly entered his mother's bedroom. "Good morning."

Susan was already awake, watching from the TV that was mounted on her dresser. She turned her head and gave her son a warm smile. "Morning, slept good?"

This was a normal occurrence with the Blake family. Their mornings started off with breakfast with TV, talking about plans for the day, and finally what chores needed done. It wouldn't be long before Blake finished eating Breakfast with his mother that she'd call after him.

"Donald, we're out of milk so while you're could you go get us some?"

The red headed teen looked back and smiled at his mother. "I got it."

With that, he walked out of her bedroom and closed the door behind him. Not long after, he was outside of his house and in the backyard. The teen made sure that nobody was looking or around, and with a firm grip on his disguised Mjölnir, Blake became Thor once again. Now as Thor, he twirled the hammer several times then took off into the sky. He was soaring through the air like a speeding missile going beyond human comprehension. After some time, he came to a halt near a building and landed atop of it. His eyes scanned the city as thunder roared in the distance.

'Normally I'm the one doing that, that's nice change of pace.' He thought, finding it funny that he isn't controlling the weather at the moment.

As he continued to look over his home city, he noticed something. It was a sort of glowing blazing green trail flying rather erratically around the city. Thor furrowed his brows then began to fly off towards where the light was. It was like an emerald fire that didn't go out and was sentient. As Thor neared it, he could make out a figure inside of it.

'Since when did Atomic Skull learn to fly?'

Thor thought then as he got close enough to touch the figure. He saw them look back at him surprised, and could actually make out a woman inside of it. It was a woman with brownish orange skin, glowing green eyes, blazing orange hair, and wearing quite the revealing outfit. She yelled something in an unknown dialect, causing Thor to raise a brow at her. The fiery glow shimmered a bit as the woman came to a stop, floating atop the city. She began speaking again, though this time the words came out in English.

"You have to help me, I am being chased by them!" She cried out, sounding anxious.

Thor blinked twice, noticing the sudden change in language but put that as something to worry about for later. "It's alright, just calm down."

As soon as those words left Thor's lips, the woman's eyes widened. He had just spoken to her and understood her without having to do what her people needed to do to understand other species.

"You...can understand me?"

"Yes, I can."

The woman felt her anxiety leave her as a dazzling smile came to her lips. "Splendid!"

She rushed at Thor and gave him a tight embrace, if it wasn't for his godly physiology then she probably would have strangled any other man. Thor was a little bewildered by her, he was pretty sure that she was an alien. After all, the chances of someone seeing a skin tone this different is really that low. When she pulled away from Thor she started to point to herself, introducing herself.

"My name is Kori'andr, Second Princess of Tamaran", She stated, "May I know your name?"

"I'm Thor, pretty much one of Earth's mightest heroes on Earth", Thor introduced himself, "So whose after you?"

Before Kori had time to explain, something blasted her in the back. It was an energy attack from a spaceship that had just arrived. They weren't anything like the Kree starship, this one was round and oval like. The technology even looked organic in nature.

"They're here!" Kori exclaimed after getting her barings, "The Chitauri!"

Thor looked to Kori then back to the ship, knowing full well that these guys were also aliens. So without hesitating, he twirled Mjölnir around and strode forward with a confused Kori'andr watching him. Thor watched as the large building sized ship fired upon him. Lightning began to surround the Thunderer as he made his way to the ship. Thunder clouds surrounded the ship and began to pound against it's hull with powerful bolts of lightning.

Kori'andr was amazed by this display of power, but her stupor didn't last long before she flew after Thor. Her fiery aura flared up like a star, and without hesitating she fired a powerful blast of energy at the Chitauri warship. It collided with the ship's hull, burning a hole inside of it. Thor glanced back at her, giving her a risen brow as well as a smirk before continuing onwards. "Can you breathe in space?"

Kori looked to Thor with a confused expression before calling up to him. "Yes, can you!?"

Instead of answering, Thor let out a cry of power. Thunder roared all around him as lightning cackled around his body. He was bombarded by energy beams from the Chitauri ship. Unfortunately he was just powering through the attacks. Instead of barreling through the starship, he placed both hands on the underside of the ship.

Thor began to push the Chitauri warship upwards despite it's continued efforts of trying to remain in Earth's atmosphere.

Kori watched with bewilderment, never has she met a being capable of godly strength such as Thor. She watched as the Thunderer pushed the Chitauri back into space with his bare hands. Her eyes lit with wonder as she watched this go on. At the moment she had forgotten that they were being attacked by the Chitauri. That ended when a golden glowing Avril sped past her.

"Hey Thor!" Avril called as she flew into space, she was using the Quantum Bands to keep herself from dying due to the vacuum of space. How she learned this was quite easy, she didn't. The Bands themselves were passively defending her.

Thor didn't turn, he continued to push the ship back until eventually he found that this was far enough. They were outside of Earth's atmosphere and passed the normal range for satellites. "Great, if only I can actually talk to you guys."

Thor just remembered that Avril and Kori wouldn't be able to speak to him. Well he wasn't really sure about Kori but he knew that Avril wouldn't be able to. Instead of contemplating on how to communicate with them, he decided to take the fight inside. With his hand winding back, he brought Mjölnir down once and broke a hole into the ship.

'Okay all ships got bridges', he thought as the air within the starship was being whooshed out into space, "So where is the bridge?"

At that moment was when Thor heard Chitauri speaking, for a few seconds he didn't understand them. Then suddenly they spoke English causing Thor to feel that this must have been a more passive ability that he had.

This wasn't to say that he hadn't noticed this during his three year tutelage under Diana. It was just that he didn't think much of it, until he started to understand aliens.

"The Terran is aboard!" One Chitauri cried, "Quickly, we must retrieve the Tamaran and escape!"

Thor smirked, finding their fear of him being rather funny. However, that didn't stop him from beginning to sprint down the halls. Once he bounded the first corner, he was bombarded with energy blasts from Chitauri weaponry.

"Well at least I know who you ask where the bridge is." Thor grunted as he lifted a hand to block the energy blasts hitting his face. After a moment of tanking the attacks, he twirled a lightning embued Mjölnir, then hurled the mighty weapon into the center of the Chitauri formation. An explosion occurred which was Lightning oriented, but it did not really kill any of the Chitauri. So Thor jogged over, grabbed the nearest Chitauri and lifted them by their neck into the air. "Where's the bridge!?"

The Chitauri instead of answering gave him a glare of defiance. Thor kept a firm grip around the grotesque alien's throat, slowly but surely choking the life out of him. Just as he was about to kill the poor thing, Thor tossed the Chitauri to the side like a ragdoll. He then began to go and grab the next Chitauri until he heard more fighting down the hall. He looked up and saw green flashes as well as orange around the corner. A Chitauri ran around the corner but stopped upon seeing Thor.

The Thunderer smiled, though to the Chitauri it looked quite sinister as it slowly backed away. It's back impacted the chest of Kori who tilted her head at the Chitauri. Avril stood beside her with her hands on her hips. "Thor, can you please tell me what this lady is saying?"

Avril's question was met with a slight glance from Thor, remembering that she didn't understand what Kori was saying. To that Kori gave Thor an indecroulous look having heard Avril saying something. "Please tell this girl that I do not understand her."

Thor let out a slight sigh before reaching forward then yeeting the Chitauri over his shoulder like a ragdoll. "Alright, Kori do you know where the bridge is?" Thor questioned, and watched the woman nod her head, "Good, please lead the way."

Kori nodded then lead the way by flying, she was followed by Avril and Thor who flew behind her. "So, gonna tell me what the HELL is going on?"

Thor realized that Avril was actually out of the loop. He grimaced before looking over towards his unofficial protégé. "Well these aliens wanted alien princess for things that I don't know about yet."

Avril nodded coolly before looking forward. Together the three battled their way through the ship. This was good experience for only one of the three, Avril. She was more or less getting live combat training from actual combat. Thor was barely trying, doing his best to not harm any of the two with him. So in other words he would have to refrain from doing too much "smiting".

Once Kori got towards the bridge door, it was locked and many Chitauri soldiers laid behind them and throughout the walls. "This is the bridge, though the Chitauri seem to be-"

Thor immediately hurled Mjölnir at the door and watched the hammer pierce through the door.

"..locked...You are full of surprises Thor." Kori finished, then flew inside finding no one inside. The Captain of the ship was nowhere to be found, however a beeping noise could be heard at the command console. Thor glared at it and began to realize what was going to happen.

"Everyone out!"

As soon as he ordered that, Thor grabbed Avril by the wasn't and flew through the main view point with Mjölnir in hand once again. Kori followed not long after, then as they reached several kilometers away, the Chitauri ship exploded. With a twirl, Thor shielded Avril as his back faced the coming shockwave. She gasped, gazing up at Thor surprised as well as enraptured. Kori shielded herself as well as the two took the brunt of the shockwave.

After several minutes, Thor looked back to see the debris of the Chitauri ship with a frown.

'So rather than be captured...they'd kill themselves.'

As Thor thought this, he looked back to a wide eyed Avril. Realizing that he had been holding her quite a bit, he released her and allowed her to catch her barings. "Kori, what did the Chitauri want with you."

The Tamarean Princes gave Thor a grim but dark look, one that told him that her answer was not a good one. "Mating."

With that answer Thor visibly grimaced, not sure how he felt about that. She was more or less being set up to he a sex slave. Though his next question was more or less a confused one on his part.

"Wait, if you were able to beat alot of those guys", He began to say, "Why weren't you able to beat those guys alone?"

"Because there was more than a single ship."

With that in mind, Thor realized that she was more or less an escaped "slave". In other words, the Chitauri sent a single ship and expected that to be enough to recapture her. A grim look came to his face as he looked back towards space.

'So that's rhe Kree and Chitauri...what's next shapeshifters!?"

As Thor thought this, he felt a tug on his cape. His gaze turned towards Avril who was trying to get his attention. She pointed at Kori then back at herself, reminding him that she didn't understand the princess. To this, Kori got a gleam in her eye and suddenly reached over to Avril.

It was so sudden that the girl hadn't realized what had happened until her face went completely red. Even Thor felt a slight tinge of red on his cheeks.

Kori'andr was kissing Avril rather well, as if she's done this before. The only thing that went through Thor's mind was whether or not if she would have kissed him or not...now he was jealous since he just lost his chance at a first kiss with a sexy alien princess.

Kori pulled away from Avril and gave the girl a beaming smile. "Can you understand me now?" She asked, to which Avril slightly nodded.

Thor looked between the two, not entirely sure what to do in this situation. After all, he was under the impression that the Tamarean was in distress. Now she acted as if the danger was passed. Then again, she did just have a short makeout sess with his friend.


Thor still didn't know how to feel about that besides being jealous, despite having already understood what Kori was saying.

"My people are able to learn other species, languages through the art of kissing." Kori briefly explained as she looked at the two.

"Useful", Thor stated plainly, then waved a hand in front of Avril's face, "Well let's head back to Earth first before we get to talking."

Together with a still stunned Avril, Thor flew back to Earth knowing full well that they were going to have to get ready for an eventaul attack by both Chitauri and possibly the Kree.

'Why do I get the feeling that these guys are the least of our problems?'
