
Chapter 265: Through the fire to the love of my soul

Emily's POV

(Present day)

I watched Owen trash my bathroom while I fought nausea on the floor.

Let it out, I wanted to tell him. Let it go, I wanted to say.

She was Elise Audrey White, she was a monster of biblical proportion but she was your mother who did a good deed at the very end.

I would hug you, if I could but I can't. Morning sickness is a bitch.

So let it out! She was a monster who did terrible things, who wrecked the lives of those she should be protecting, who broke hearts of those who loved her most…she was a bitch alright, but in her own way, she was the bitch who loved Owen.

She was his mother and she was gone and my husband was right, it was going to hurt for a very long time.

He was almost wrecking the bathtub when the door opened and Waylen walked in clutching a bag of chips and some Chinese takeout.
