
Chapter 178: our first real fight 

Chapter 178: our first real fight 

Emily's POV

Back at home, Waylen paced while I sat on our bed like a little porcelain dolls that could crack by mistake.

I saw the look on his face. He looked like he had been slapped. I was too angry and messed up to feel bad about it.

I saw Owen. I saw the boy that got me pregnant and kicked me to the curb. I had big feelings about it…gigantic feelings that were making breathing a little bit difficult. I had big feelings and I couldn't comprehend why Waylen was mad too.

How was this my fault?! 

I didn't wake up one freaking morning and ask the lord for the boy that wrecked my soul to appear in my life and wreck it some more.

Waylen was angry but so was I. I am not the enemy and I shouldn't be treated like one.

He tried to walk away but I stopped him.
