
Chapter 161: I want to remember 

Chapter 161: I want to remember 

Owen's POV 

Odessa looked at me and smirked.

"It doesn't make me less sexy and don't even try to lie that you didn't just check me out" Odessa told me with a smile which made me choke on the juice I sipped and I went into a coughing fit.

"See what you caused" 

My brother said and handed a glass of water to me. I took it and took a sip.

"It's not my fault I look the way I do" Odessa told him.

I wondered what their relationship was like. I see the way he looks at her but if they were together why was he letting her talk to me like that.

I was on my toes around her but not in an upright kind of way…it was like we were…friends or at least something bearing a resemblance to that.

"I didn't check you out!" I insisted.

"Liar" Odessa said.

My parents entered the dining room with a young girl and stumbled into the conversation.
