
Trident of Neptune

Poseidon shook his head sadly. "We tried. But the Titans were too powerful. They had abilities that we couldn't even imagine. And so we were defeated."

Fein could sense the weight of Poseidon's words. He had never imagined that such a powerful civilization could fall so easily. He looked around at the ruins of the city, wondering what secrets it held.

Poseidon spoke again, interrupting his thoughts. "But now, with your arrival, perhaps there is hope for our people. Maybe you can help us to reclaim our former glory."

Fein was taken aback by Poseidon's sudden enthusiasm. "How can I help?"

Poseidon smiled wryly. "I'm not sure yet. But I can feel you're an SS rank. But what really surprises me is your age... perhaps we can find a way to defeat the Titans once and for all."
