

Fein and Voli returned to Fein's room, both feeling a sense of frustration and sadness about the recent suicides.

"What could have driven them to do this?" Fein asked, his voice heavy with emotion.

Voli shook her head. "I have no idea. It's like they just gave up hope completely."

Fein paced back and forth in his room, thinking deeply. "We need to figure out what or who's causing this. We can't let any more of our people die like this."

Voli nodded in agreement. "But where do we start? We don't even know who's responsible."

Fein stopped pacing and turned to face Voli. "We start by investigating. We ask questions, we gather information, we leave no stone unturned. We owe it to our people to find out what's going on."

Voli nodded again. "Agreed. But we need to be careful. Whoever is behind this is clearly powerful and not afraid to resort to extreme measures."
