
Chapter 207 Hierarchy

"Time's up!" martial emperor Cheng announced as he floated towards the center of the arena, "the ten[10] participants should move towards the battle arena.

"..................... that's ho.. Why did he suddenly change the way he was officiating?" stopping what he was saying to Shan Buhan after hearing the announcement from martial emperor Cheng, Ju Gan stood up before floating to the center of the arena.

Having the top ten[10] participants in front of him, martial emperor Cheng said, "your battles in this round will not be determine by me, but by your lucks. Five[5] of you will randomly pick a no. tag in the box in front of you, which will determine who your opponent will be. When you pick a no. tag, call out the number on it so the participant with that number won't bother picking another tag, while your own no. tag will become invalid. You can now begin."
