
New Entities!

While waiting to see what this new threat is, Vain waited for it to approach closer and closer until finally... it kept moving past him. Although confused, Vain knew that most things on levels are very dangerous.

Waiting for a while Vain could only see the entity move at a walking pace away from himself. Slowly the clicking disappeared into the distance. Still confused, Vain could only take the Almond water to refill his completely depleted storage of water.

Looking around Vain decided to start walking in a random direction to see what could be coming his way. Knowing that this level is called a test just like level 3, means this level is at least as dangerous as level 3.

Walking around cautiously, Vain came up to a corner. Peaking the corner Vain saw another typewriter moving in his direction, but this time there was an entity circling around it. Squinting his eyes, Vain could see that this entity walked on tentacles. Its' head was similar to the entity in the library with a face full of tentacles.

The more Vain looked at this entity the more it reminded him of the entity who brought him here. All he could see now was the entity that brought him here without the robe that he saw it had used before.

Anger kept building as the entity kept moving in his direction. Without waiting any longer, Vain ran to the entity sword out and ready to fight against it.

Without thinking anymore Vain attacked the entity that was only a few meters away from him. The entity on the other hand let out a strange gurgling sound from somewhere on its' face. The entity stopped circling the typewriter as it was doing before and lifted its tentacles to attack Vain to the best of its' ability.

Swinging its' tentacles the entity moved its' tentacles in strange ways knocking Vain off his feet immediately. Vain on the other hand successfully chopped off one of the entity's tentacles treating it similar to a Clump. Unfortunately, the treatment backfired and Vain was now on his back in a submissive position.

Vain couldn't stand being in such a position which would mean death to almost everyone who couldn't get up in time before the entity got too close. So without a word Vain rolled to the side and attacked again with his sword.

The entity was ready this time and dodged his sword and instead grabbed Vain's arm using its' boneless arms. Being more flexible than Vain allowed the entity to pull Vain closer and as soon as Vain got within a foot of its' head, it raised its' head slightly and opened up the tentacles on its' head.

Unlike a regular octopus, this entity opened up its' tentacles to reveal a hole with several serrated teeth. These teeth worked like a food processor and spun around menacingly showing very clearly what would happen if he would have any part of his body put inside of that hole.

Vain thought quickly and within the second of seeing the mouth let go of his sword to transfer it to his other hand allowing him to plunge his sword into the open tentacles leading to the mouth. The entity screamed and let out a loud gurgling sound as it threw Vain away with several tentacles.

Blue blood splashed onto his clothes as Vain looked at the entity that appeared to only be even angrier than before. Looking at his sword, Vain saw his sword was no longer sharp or dull, but a slab of metal that had holes and various cuts making it look more like a saw blade than the straight sword it was before.

The entity didn't let Vain get any more resting chance as it ran to him in a strange manner flailing its' tentacles. Without any real say in the matter, Vain lifted himself off the ground and attacked the entity to the best of his ability.

The entity was unable to attack as precisely as before because of both anger and injuries. Vain now accustomed to fight with injuries, attacked with the same speed and power as he had before. Chopping off another tentacle on the first clash made the entity move in an even more uncontrollable way.

Slowly one tentacle after another seven tentacles fell to the ground after nearly an hour of fighting. The entity was on it's last walking tentacle and was now unable to get up to the same height as it could have before. Instead, the entity unraveled the tentacles on its' head and used them to move to Vain.

This way was even creepier. The entity crawled on the ground using five face tentacles to drag the ball of flesh it used as a head. Vain could only attack in a similar way he had before, just lower down.

The ball of flesh threw itself at Vain and attacked using first the last walking tentacle which was then chopped off, leading the defenseless flesh ball to open the mouth to attack whatever way it could. Vain was at that point able to simply chop it into half.

Although the tentacles were wriggling about on the floor, Vain knew the entity was truly dead. Falling down and laying against the wall, Vain was breathing heavily and looking around in case there were more entities heading his way.

After a full minute, Vain finally calmed down enough to think more about the fight he had just experienced. Looking at the wriggling tentacles Vain could only think 'I wonder if I can have calamari now?'

Thinking more about how he had some time to rest, Vain thought of every way out. Before he was blinded by rage, first by the group that closed the door to have him die without a second thought, then by the hateful entity that sent him here, then seeing something similar to that entity left him here. At the corpse of an entity that was similar.

After a few more minutes Vain realized that he might be able to use the internet in this place to find out more about what level this is and if there is a way out. Checking his signal Vain found that he had nothing. No signal. No internet connection. No information.

"HAHAHAHAhahahahaha..." Laughing like a mad man, Vain knew nothing about where he was and nothing about this place he has just appeared in.

A full twenty minutes later Vain heard the faint sound of a clicking typewriter coming in his direction. So with a loud sigh, Vain looked around and got ready for a level he knew nothing about.

This time taking a good look around where he was, and what was coming, Vain just saw the common typewriter with nothing else.

With enough time to think Vain thought about how he might as well treat this level as if he is the first one to find and explore it. Thinking about it this way Vain thought about naming the small friendly guys that just move about their way as 'Clickers'.

Thinking about the octopus-like entity that attacked him earlier Vain thought about calling it calamari, but if he is truly the first to find these entities, he would rather name them for the sake of other people, so he dubbed them 'Tentacles'.

Nodding to himself, Vain kept looking around in this place to see what he could have missed. After looking around for a while, Vain saw a very small strangely shaped shard sitting on one of the shelves. The shard was only two centimeters long which was a light orange and translucent.

Looking at the crystal that took up a shelf all by itself, Vain thought for a long while before he realized that this object was called Firesalt. Vain remembered this mostly because he found it interesting after Athena had told him about it.

Taking the crystal and storing it carefully, Vain heard another clicking coming in his direction, but this time there was a strange goopy sound coming alongside it.
