
Chapter 398; You can take a bath now...

"Wu Xue, Wu Xie, and you Wu-Tang, you can inspect them and show them a thing here and there.. they should be able to know all kinds of labels, medicine, and herbs." He instructed them as he sat down on his seat.

"All right Doctor." They tagged behind them and walked away.

Zhou Hong massaged his temples before glancing at Zhou Ling who was eying him strangely.

"What is it?" He lifted his eyebrows.

"What did he tell you? What are we supposed to do with them?" He inquired curiously as he dragged his chair near.

"The obvious, teach them and then test them, that's all." He picked up a file before he began perusing through it.

"Don't you think that needs professionals!" He frowned before sitting down and facing Zhou Hong.

" You just do what you are being told to do unless you want a bullet across your skull.. shoo. Shoo.. go mind your own business. " He dismissed him before he got serious.
