
Chapter 262; We have been attacked Master

Chu Tang bent over and avoided the oncoming bullets.

"Show me how man enough you are, since you think you are one" Lin Hong spoke out loudly.

" Why should I listen to you and do exactly what you say?" He harumped as he corked the gun and shot towards their direction.

"Scorpion, turn and look at your left side, throw a bomb there to that direction, 40 degrees." Lin Hong lightly whispered as he knelt down.

" All right." He nodded his head before getting the explosive from the backbag and threw it unto the said direction.

The place exploded as they moved to the Northern direction in hurry, the bomb exploded almost nearer to where Chu Tang was standing but still he didn't get any severe injuries.

Ming Xie and her team dashed North as they carefully navigated the routes back to the place they had left their van.

Lin Hong stumbled as he couldn't see, now he couldn't feel nor smell anything, but could hear sounds.
