
Chapter 113; Am no baby, am a big man.. a big man

"How many funds do we have by now?" Ming Xie inquired.

" Enough billions to keep us running, ohhh Ming Xie, I haven't heard you talk about your encounter in the cave! How was that ape?" Lin Huang was very curious.

" Didn't Lin Wei explain it to you? Don't talk so carelessly, your dad heard your chat earlier and he asked me about Man-eating ape, so don't speak so carelessly, you might frighten people." Ming Xie warned him lightly.

" Yes Boss.." they said in unison.

"Alright let's go do some combat fighting." Ming Xie said.

"Geezz! Auntie Ming am really tired." Lin Hong found an excuse, how can he not know Ming Xie was more than capable.

"No excuses let's go.." Ming Xie stood up and pulled them from there seats, as they walked out of the computer room.

In the Capital City, Zhou Hua and other doctors been treating emergency patients, while more people volunteered to help rescue the ones buried under the shambles.
