
Chapter 67; Alright, bombing won't be hard

"Hahahaha mother I know you must be complaining about me using you, wake up and defend yourself, otherwise I will throw more mud on you." Lin Wei said softly.

" Alright mother wake up soon am out." she then walked away towards the store room and saw Ming Xie getting ready while Lin Huang and Lin Hong standing there.

"What about us Wei Wei?" they pouted lightly."

" Make sure this place runs and it's security is topnotch, Lin Huang I might call you in case of emergency. Now you can go." She dismissed them and started getting changed.

Lin Huang and Lin Hong went to the infirmary to find their mother.

They sat beside the bed and looked at their mother lying there silently. "Mother wake up soon, Lin Wei is going out and we don't know where, so please wake up, she only listens to you. " Lin Hong said gently and kissed her mother's cheeks softly, sighing he walked away, followed by Lin Huang.

After Grandpa Zhou had stomped away, Tan Chan composed himself and went back into the security control room.

Lin Juan woke up and saw it's afternoon almost evening, he went down into the infimary and sat beside Luo Wei caressed her cheeks lightly with his thumb.

"Is it true that you never wanted to have the babies? Did you poison yourself? Was I that cruel to you? Am sorry wifie, I will be a good husband once you wake up, so wake up soon."He said softly and started wiping her body.

'Humphhh!! now you know you treated the old Luo Wei badly!! Hehehehehe but I never took poison, you even believed her, you just don't know your daughter.' Luo Wei just felt smug.

"But Luo Wei do you think if it's treated she will get better? her eyes are scary you know. " Lin Juan lamented softly.

' Hehehe.... what kind of treatment do you want her to receive? she is just like that, gifted. ' Luo Wei laughed out even though no one would hear her.

"Alright I have wiped your body clean, I will go see, what she is upto." saying that he walked away.

In the store room after packing a backbag and Ming Xie was ready, she walked out and signalled Ming Xie to follow her. She walked down to the underground parking, got into her car while Ming Xie sat on the passenger seat and fastened her safety belt.

"Where to Wei Wei?" She asked her gently.

"We are going to Country A, an island called Islo." Lin Wei replied while driving out, she stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Lin Juan just got out to see the sports car driving away, out of the Camp, he went into the training ground to find Lin Hong and Lin Huang, they could at least know where she is going.

"Alright what are we going to do there?" Ming Xie asked curiously.

" Take out your map and look at that island! there are two gang dens, we just need to sneak in, plant the bombs and escape away. That place is surrounded by the Sea, so we can have a speedboat or a boat and also we have to have Lifesavers, just in case we mess up. " Lin Wei spoke out her intentions.

" Alright, bombing won't be hard, but I think doing it at night will be easier and we can easily escape away. So that's the only thing we are supposed to do?" Ming Xie asked her again.

" No I want to put Country A in a State of unrest, when there are chaos, those people trying to infiltrate our country will take a step back and control themselves, so having Country A under scrutiny will give us time to defend ourselves and fight back. Ming Xie am not doing this for people but you me and my family members. We deserve a peaceful environment and place to grow up, I want those children to have an enjoyable and memorable childhood." Lin Wei said softly.

" Yes it's our country we are protecting." Ming Xie replied back softly as the car drove off to City B, it was in border of City A.

Lin Juan walked into the Computer room and found Lin Hong and Lin Huang watching the news, they had removed the speech footage already.

"Hong, Huang do you know where Wei Wei went?" he asked them worriedly.

" I think she is going to Country A." Lin Huang replied politely. Lin Juan turned pale and his whole body shook. Lin Huang and Lin Hong saw his reaction and rushed forward to support him.

" Father, what's the matter?" Hong and Huang asked worriedly.

" Does she know Country A is dangerous? " Lin Juan sat down as he frowned, he knew how Country A was in and out, he was born there, how could he not know the dangers. 'Why did she go there? Did she find any clues.' he talked to himself silently.

" Dad even if she knew, she will still go, let's just give her five days, if she isn't back then we can think of something." Lin Huang suggested and they nodded to that suggestion.

They heard news coming from the TV and turned to look, what they saw surprised them.

*"********BREAKING NEWS*************

" News that have come in with videos recorded shows how people are rioting, destroying public properties and fighting with the police officers.

The police officers threw tear gases at the crowd to disperse them, several are injured and several have been shot down.

The people are angry at the government for killing civilians."

Seeing the new developments in the streets, this time Lin Juan was really frightened, this is the first time he had realized, Lin Wei had the capability of inciting and moving masses.

When Tan Chan saw the news he said coldly, "Close down all the TV stations." He paced back and forth, he didn't know who to approach for help, everything was going downhill.

Grandpa Zhou found his grandsons, " Zhou Zhan, Zhou Ling, and you Zhou Zhei, find the Zhou family members, we are going home, we won't be working in the Military Camp anymore, and I have resigned from my post." Grandpa Zhou ordered.

