
Chapter 20: First Day and Quirk Apprehension Test!

Today's the first day of my time at UA. I wore the standard UA uniform that consists of a long-sleeve buttoned white shirt, a grey jacket with blue-green stripes, a red tie, and a dark blue-green pleated skirt.

(A/N: I copied this off the wiki cause they described it perfectly.)

Mina, Ochako, and I met up and we walked to the school together. Upon arriving, we can see many other new students, some of them looked nervous while others looked extremely excited. Mina and I fell into the excitement category while Ochako fell into the nervous category.

I spotted Midoriya looking anxious in the distance. I ran up to him and greeted him.

"Hi, Midoryia-Kun!" I said.

"Oh hello, Uchiha-san....." He replied nervously.

Mina and Ochako followed after me and also greeted Midoriya.

"I want to thank you for helping Ochako-chan that day," I said and bowed as thanks.

Ochako got embarrassed hearing me thanking him and Midoriya got all flustered.

"Well, we still got some time before class so want to explore the school together?" I asked.

Mina and Ochako happily agreed, and Midoriya hesitated before slowly nodding.

When we entered I did some hand signs and said: "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" As two puffs of clouds exploded behind me and two clones of me appeared

"Kaede #2, go explore this way, and Kaede #3, go explore that way," I said while pointing in two different directions.

Both clones saluted with a smile before walking away.

"Wow, what was that?" Midoriya asked with excitement and curiosity.

"That's one of the abilities of my quirk," I responded with a cheeky smile.

"One of the abilities?" He pried further.

"Midoriya-Kun it's not smart to reveal all of your powers okay?" I spoke in a mischievous tone.

Hearing this he felt embarrassed and apologized. We then walked around the school before going to our class. Before entering, I dispelled my clones and absorbed all the information they managed to gather and I opened the door to my class.

[3rd POV]

The atmosphere in the classroom was pretty tense, nobody knows each other and they sat in their seats in silence. Suddenly the door to the classroom was swung open with force.

Standing in the doorway, was a girl with black hair tied in a ponytail, big black eyes, a small nose, and a mouth. She was very beautiful and there was a sweet, friendly aura surrounding her.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kaede Uchiha, lets's all be friends okay?" She announced with a bright smile.

'Cute...' Everyone in the classroom unitedly thought as they observed her.

Kaede then begins to walk around the room introducing herself to everyone in the classroom. By the end of it, she had made a good impression on everyone in the room.

While Kaede was talking with people in the class, the door was opened again, and a boy with sandy blond hair stood there, he has a scowl on his face as he observed the class.

"Ka-chan..." Midoriya hesitantly called out.

He ignored Midoriya and approached Kaede. The rest of the class held their breath and they felt a sense of concern for Kaede. He stared at her and his frown deepened. The classroom was silent and the atmosphere was so tense that it could be cut with a knife.

"I will destroy you and become the best hero in the world." He said with hostility and arrogance.

[Kaede POV]

I greeted everyone in the room and I easily befriended all of them. Something that surprised me was that Todoroki acted more confident and he doesn't have a scar on the left side of his face. He still has his usual cold expression though. His childhood must have been better than before and I was very happy to know that. I observed the room and found out that Mineta, the purple midget wasn't there. Probably due to me being chosen, he didn't get into 1-A.

Suddenly the door was opened and a boy with blond hair entered. He looked around before spotting me and started moving toward me with an ugly expression on his face. I stared at the boy who I assume was Bakugo, was now standing in front of me.

"I will destroy you and become the best hero in the world." He said with hostility and arrogance.

Hearing this I became silent for a while before resuming smiling. "Then let's be rivals okay?" I replied and reached out my hand for a handshake.

Seeing this he was stunned: "Tsk" He sounded before rejecting my handshake and walking to his seat.

I can tell that other people were not in a good mood seeing the disrespect he shows but we're all suddenly interrupted by a voice in the corner of the room.

"Can you guys talk any louder?" The voice complained.

I looked at the far corner and there was a giant yellow caterpillar laying there. The caterpillar suddenly opened and a man with long black hair appeared. He was wearing baggy black clothes with loose bandages wrapping around his neck.

We all looked at him wondering who he was. "I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa." He introduced himself with a sleepy tone.

'EH? This guy's our homeroom teacher??' We all thought in unison.

"This is a bit sudden but go change to your sports uniform and come meet me at the field." He continued before walking away.

[10 minutes later]

We changed into our sports uniform and met Aizawa-sensei at the outdoor field. When he saw us all arrive he nodded and said: "We will be having a quirk assessment test."

"Quirk Assessment Test????" We yelled out in unison.

I already know the plot but it's still fun to act along.

"What about the entrance ceremony?" Ochako asked.

Aizawa-sensei then explained how heroes don't have time for leisure events like the entrance ceremony. He said the quirk assessment test was a experiment to see how comfortable we were with our quirks.

"Uchiha, come out." He said.

"Y-Yes!" I answered with a slightly nervous tone and moved to the front of the group.

"You scored the highest in the practical exam. Say what's your highest record for your softball throw during junior high?" Aizawa-sensei asked

"Um... 50 meters?" I responded.

Aizawa-sensei nodded: "Now try again but this time with your quirk." He said.

I walked up to the softball field and got ready to throw. I build up chakra into my arms and unleashed it all once as soon I throw the ball. A big shockwave was generated from the speed of the ball and everyone stumbled back a bit.

"948 meters, as expected of the sister of Red Crow," Aizawa-sensei smirked and said.

"Sister of Red Crow???" Everyone except for Mina and Ochako screamed out. Everybody (except for Bakugo, Mina, and Ochako) crowded around me and start asking questions.

I got dizzy with all the questioning but thankfully Aizawa-sensei saved me. He then started calling names in order to repeat the process. Everyone got pretty excited but his next words shocked them.

"By the way, whoever got last will be expelled!"

"Nani!!!!!" Everyone shouted and they all got serious.

Just like canon, Bakugo scored 705.2 meters, Midoriya scored 705.3 meters but he broke his finger and Ochako scored infinity with her quirk. No matter how hard I try, I can't beat infinity.....

We have done other tests such as the 50-Meter Dash, Grip Strength, Standing Long Jump, Repeated Side Steps, Sit-Ups, Seated Toe-touch, and Distance Run. Thanks to my training, I scored top marks in all of them.

Just like in the anime Midoriya got dead last and was extremely scared. But then Aizawa-sensei said that he was just joking about expelling it. Yaoyorozu then explained that they won't be actually doing something ridiculous like that and that Aizawa-sensei was just encouraging us to do our best.

But... Only I knew that Aizawa-sensei was serious about the expulsion but he changed his mind. Well I'm smart enough to not say it out loud.

After that whole event, we're finally able to go home and I have successfully got through the first day of UA!


Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yellow_Duck_Toycreators' thoughts