
How to Feed the Pregnant

Everyone left together after eating lunch to join Reed and Emy for a check-up with an OB-GYN. Since Emy's doctor hadn't yet arrived, she accompanied Eddie to the check-up. Emy and Eddie left Reed and Devin in front of the OB room.

"When you do an ultrasound, won't you see the baby right away? What if they discover that the child has horns and a tail?" Devin began, but he couldn't complete his sentence because Reed had already spoken.

"Come with me," Reed said, then grabbed Devin's shoulder.

Devin and Reed entered the room. Reed pointed to the poster taped to the wall.

"Right now, Emy's stomach is just like this." Reed pointed to the picture. "The baby is between 4 and 5 inches long and may weigh up to 4 or 5 ounces. I believe she is four months pregnant in the human gestation cycle."

"If this is a demon pregnancy, she's already two days old. I mean, her belly should be big."
