
Ch.34 So close.

I walked out the class and I called my mom, I wanted to know what she was doing and all. She picked up the call and asked, "Classes didn't start yet?"

I said, "No, in a bit… hey, mom, what is like the situation right now?"

She sighed and said, "Well, I am going to get him, then we are going to the preserve again to get her smell and track her from there, and then I'll let you know… I gotta say this guy really knows what he's doing."

I asked, "Why?"

She exhaled and said, "Cause there is someone following me. I think it's just one person."

I was shocked, and I asked, "Wait, what? I thought that guy left already, Is this the same guy or a different one?"

She hummed and said, "Yeah, he did, but I don't think it's the same one… I think Peter has more than 2… but don't worry about it. I have a plan… you just concentrate on school and I will see you back at home. Probably hoping to get this done before today, do not want to miss your game."

I nodded and said, "Alright, be careful and please text me back if there is anything."

She chuckled and said, "Awe, look at you all concerned… Alright, I'll text you afterwards… gotta take care of it. Bye."

She hung up the phone and I looked at the time… class might have started. I ran back into the school and got back into the class and bumped into Allison. She was running out of the class and I saw Scott behind her. Allison looked pissed. I looked at her and asked, "What's happening?"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the class, and I asked, "Hey, what about the class?"


I was driving on the freeway and drinking my coffee, trying to relax a bit because I was being followed by someone. I looked in the mirror, and it was a van, a white one with no windows can't get shadier than that.

I texted Derek, I had to give him one of my phones since he didn't have one at the time.

"Where are you?"- O


He didn't reply to the text, and now I was wondering if he pulled one over me? I texted Hanna, "Hey, Hanna. Can you track the no. I gave you? Thx."

"No problem." "Where you at with the alpha hunting?"-H

"Can't text a bunch, but getting closer."-O

"Well, good luck and the No. you sent me is off, but the last location was at a Motel called "Try Luck" it's not far from you."-H

"Thx Hanna, love you, call you soon."-O

I punched the gas and started driving fast. The van picked up on it and tried to chase me. I was driving on a one way and pulled a U-turn and took the next exit. I drove to the Motel and got out of my car and walked to the Motel desk. I asked, "Hey, did someone check in here? Mid-20's back spiky hair? Probably wearing a leather jacket?"

The guy behind the desk was an old man, he looked at me and just grunted, "We don't give information like that to someone all willy-nilly". I passed him a 50, and he took it and said, "Room 204." he passed me the keys.

I walked to his room and opened the door. He came face to face with me with his claws ready. I pointed my gun and said, "Good morning to you two." He walked inside and, sat down on the bed, he asked, "What are you doing here?"

I opened up the blinds and said, "Well, I don't know if you remember, but we had a deal… so let's get going." I looked at him and asked, "And what were you even doing sleeping this late?"

He grunted and said, "I have been sleeping on rooftops and in alleyways for weeks, so I apologize if I slept a little."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Apparently that wasn't enough." I tossed him his shirt, and we got out of the room and were on our way to the preserve.


We were at the preserve and Derek used his nose to pick up her scent, and we were following it. We followed the scent to a completely different part of the town. It was the old town, there weren't that many or should I say no cameras there. It was the industrial type of area with factories and all.

I stopped my car and I asked, "You sure this is it?"

Derek threw the toy away and said, "Yes, I am positive, it's here…"

I looked around and asked, "But where it could be?"

Derek said, "I don't know the trail lingers, but it's being clouded by these other smells." He turned to me and asked, "What do you want to do?"

I thought and said, "How many possible places are there for him to hide a coyote?"

He scoffed and said, "I really don't know, it's a vast area. It's impossible to cover all this ground on our own."

I nodded and asked, "How about we do it one by one?"

He shook his head and said, "It'll take a whole day… and we don't have much daylight to burn anyway."

I exhaled and said, "I don't have time." I got out of my car, and he followed me.

He caught up to me and asked, "Hey, what about me?"

I shook my head and asked, "What about you?"

He looked at me and asked, "What are we doing about my uncle?"

We entered a factory and I took out my gun and said, "Well, she is our first priority. If we don't get her first. I don't know what he will do?"

He grew his claws and said, "I get that, but it is highly possible that only he knows where that coyote is."

I hummed and nodded, "You may be right, but what do you want to do? Pull up to your uncle and torture him for information?"

He looked at me and said, "Not, saying the best of plans, but we really do need to stop before he attracts any more attention."

I turned around and said, "More so, thank you guys?"

He stopped and squinted, "You know about him as well?"

I rolled my eyes and continued forward, "Well, he isn't the most discrete, but what do you expect from a teenager."

He grunted and said, "Damn it."

We searched every nook and corner, but we found nothing, but there was one thing that caught my eye. We were in the lower level and in the back of the factory was a small cage, but it was empty. There was only a scent left behind. He shifted her somewhere else.


I was in the locker room putting on my gear, the game was about to begin, and I got a text from my mom. She said Peter had shifted her, but she was close behind, she said, they would find her soon. I was frustrated and Scott wasn't helping it. I took in deep breaths and tried to relax. He walked to my locker and knocked on it. I closed it and turned to him and asked, "What?"

He looked at me and asked, "I just want to apologize, man… I am sorry that I have been a… dick to you, but you kinda have to understand. I love her and I want to know if there is any chance left for me."

I shook my head and sighed, "I don't have an answer for that… I know that you… love her, god, that's hard to say. But it's her decision to make, and I don't know what she wants… it's tough dude… I am sorry."

He nodded, and he looked down, he cleared his throat and said, "Ah, thank you, Finn, I appreciate it." He walked away, and I kinda felt bad for the guy, looks like he really did like her.

I put on my gear and I walked outside, I don't know what's going to happen, but all I can do right now is just play the game. I was sitting on the bench and coach walked to me and sat next to me and asked, "How are you doing?"

I nodded and said, "Good."

He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder and said, "I know it seems a daunting task, but I believe in you, Monty. So just go out there, give your best and stay liquid."

I looked at him and nodded. I looked behind, and I saw The Argent's, Allison waved at me and I waved back. I looked, and I also found Erica, it was surprising. I waved at her, and she waved back, she was here with her mom. As I'm sitting on the bench, trying to relax. I heard Jackson and Scott talking.

"It's the bite that does it, doesn't it?" Jackson sits and talks to Scott.

Scott looks around and said, "Yes."

Jackson said, "Well, then it's easy then."

Scott sighed heavily and said, "No, it's not, it's a lot more complex than that. This thing can only be transferred by the Alpha."

He shook his head and said, "Well, then get him to do it."

Scott scoffed and said, "I don't even know who he is." Jackson rolls his eyes and Scott said, "It's the truth like I said, it's complicated. There are others… there are hunters."

I exhaled and took deep breaths in. Why is he revealing stuff about hunters, and why is he talking at all?

Jackson moved his hands in the air and asked, "There are hunting what? What are these hunters?"

Scott said, "Werewolf hunters."

Jackson just laughed a little and said, "You can't be serious."

Scott rebutted, "No, you dickwad, there is a whole family of 'em armed to the teeth with weird herbs and rifles and shit."

Jackson looked at him and Scott turned quickly to see behind him and Jackson also turned to look, and he figured out and said, "Them?" I wanted to bang my head in off all the people to figure this shit out, it had to be Jackson. Scott tried to refuse, but it was too late. Jackson looked into the distance and said, "Oh, it makes a whole lotta sense now. Allison Argent."

Scott was confused and Jackson said, "You can't be serious. You've known her this long, and you never actually asked her?" Scott was still lost and Jackson said, "Her name, you moron." Still nothing, "Do you know what Argent means in French?" Scott shook his head and Jackson scoffed and said, "It means silver."

Well, I didn't know that as well so, Scott asked, "So what are you going to do?"

Jackson sighed and asked, "Well, I'm gonna give you a chance to get me what I want. What's three days, huh? 72 hours. That's all you get Scotty boy… 72 hours."

Scott shook his head and said, "What if I can't do it?"

Jackson scoffed and said, "Not with that, you can't." The whistle blew, and he said, "Chin up, we have a game to win."

I got up, and we went to the field, I mumbled, "Fuck my life." As if all this wasn't enough, Kate got suspicious about Jackson because of his stitch marks in his neck.


Hey guys sorry I wasn't able to upload yesterday, I was out for some work. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter if you did drop a comment down below and throw some stones while you are at it. Bye.
