
Chapter 606 – Three Rewards

The jester chuckled a bit. "You know, that's what I like about you. There were plenty of ways you could have developed back when I brought you to this world, but I think I like the current iteration of you the most."

"You sacrificed everything else in your life. Only power is left."

"But because of that, you can't possibly sacrifice that as well. You already went all-in on power. So, if you lose now, you lose everything."

"Tell me, if you knew for absolute certain that it would be an absolute impossibility for you to ever reach the Ninth Realm, much less the Tenth Realm, what would you do?"

Shang didn't answer, but he didn't need to.

Both of them knew the answer.

However, Shang's mind wasn't thinking about such hypothetical scenarios.

The path forward might be extremely perilous and difficult, but it wasn't impassable.

As long as there was a chance, Shang would push forward with his entire existence.
