
Chapter 443 – True Path Stage

After looking at his surroundings with his new Spirit Sense for a while, Shang sat down again and closed his right eye.

It was time to reach the True Path Stage.

It had been so long.

He had worked so much.

50 years of training tirelessly with unending discipline and enthusiasm.

How long would a normal talented person have taken, someone that didn't dedicate 100% of their life to their own power?

Probably over 150 years.

Maybe even over 200.

The danger of dying of old age would have been a real possibility.

But now, it was time.

Shang concentrated on his Path and willed it to become a reality.

It took several hours, but eventually, his Path began to manifest.

Shang felt a certain feeling of order enter his body, and he felt how it strengthened him.

It enveloped his entire being, and Shang felt how his connection with the world deepened.
