
The Beast of Flames

We went to the Equipment Shop and the shopkeeper looked at us then noticed I was back. I was already given materials to give the shopkeeper so he could make me a Summoner Equipment. He nodded and went to the back and began forge a weapon for me.

I waited for a bit as he forged a weapon for me and he came back with a sword and shield that seemed a lot better than my basic equipment. I scanned the items and they were registered into my Equipment Guide.

Name: Brave Sword

Level: 1

ATK: 100

CRIT Rate: +30%

Name: Brave Shield

Level: 1

DEF: 100

I nodded and took the sword and shield from him then equipped them. As I equipped them, I noticed my outfit changing. I had on silver armor with gold accents with brown boots. I also had on a scarf around my neck. My scabbard was also strapped around my waist.

"Congratulations on your first set of Summoner Equipment! A special feature of Summoner Equipment is you can change the element of your weapon as you please as long as they don't already have a set element! You might have already noticed that your equipment has levels. Your equipment also has Equipment EXP, the more you use them the more EXP you gain to level up your equipment and the stronger your equipment becomes! One more thing, you've now gained a Leader Skill, EX Skills, and new Skills! Check them out in your Unit Info option!" Cuara smiled happily at me.

I decided to check my information and pulled up the heads up display with my stats on the interface.

Name: Shin

Class: Harem Summoner

Title: None

Element: None

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Type: Breaker

Rarity: Three Star Unit

Level: 15

EXP: 0/100%

HP: 992/992

MP: 97/97

Burst Gauge: 0%

ATK: 142

DEF: 141

MATK: 29

MDEF: 29

AGI: 29

LUK: 29

Skills: Brave Boost, Fury Slash, Brave Flash

Burst Skill: Valiant Slash

Burst Skill EX: Grand Slash EX

Leader Skill: Hero's Courage [Boosts ATK and DEF by 50% for self, Consistently fills Burst Gauge by 1% per second, normal attacks fill Burst Gauge faster]

Extra Skill: Brave Warrior Intuition [30% chance to auto dodge all attacks, increases ATK by 20%, 10% chance to survive any attack with 1 HP]


Weapon: Brave Sword

Shield: Brave Shield

Accessory: ATK Ring

"These are good skills and I feel like this would be enough to defeat Yoshimune after a bit of training. Let's head back in to the cave and get some training done then head forward to take down Yoshimune, if he's still there." I said.

The others nodded and we set out towards the Blazing Cave once again. We hurried out of the town and along the path towards the Blazing Cave. We made it to the cave then entered. We decided to go into the area where the goblins were so Ophelia wouldn't get fatigued too easily while training with us.

"Alright, while we are here and before entering the final area, we are going to get Selene and Veria to at least level 10. From there Selene and I will level up our weapons. After we have done all of that, we will take on the final area of the cave then proceed forward." I said.

"Alright." Selene nodded and smiled.

"As you wish, Master." Yuki nodded and looked at Ophelia.

Ophelia nodded and looked at me. "We will do our best!"

"Let's get down to training." Veria nodded and looked at us.

We all went to find some enemies to fight so we could grind up levels. We split into two separate teams, our units trained together and Selene and I trained together. As Selene and I trained together, Selene watched me closely as I fought the goblins and adjusted accordingly to match me. She shot multiple water beams at the goblins who were trying to sneak attack me. I looked back and she smiled at me. I smiled back then noticed I goblin looking for a sneak attack on Selene.

"Look out!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me then sliced the goblin in half and it dispersed into magic particles.

Selene blushed as she held onto me. She sensed a goblin trying to sneak attack me. "To the left of you!" She pointed her cane at the goblin then blasted it away with a powerful water beam.

I looked at the goblin and noticed it dispersed into magic particles as well. I looked back at Selene and smiled. "Good looking out."

[Selene's Bond Percentage rose to 19%]

Selene nodded and let me go then cleared her throat. "So uhm...should we check up on our units?"

"Hold on, let me see your stats for a second." I said then pulled up a heads up display of her stats on the interface.

Name: Selene

Class: Summoner

Title: None

Element: Water

Weakness: Thunder

Resist: Fire

Type: Magic

Rarity: Three Star Unit

Level: 13

EXP: 19/100%

HP: 1,023/1,143

MP: 101/399

Burst Gauge: 12%

ATK: 24

DEF: 35

MATK: 47

MDEF: 43

AGI: 44

LUK: 49

Skills: Wave Crash, Tidal Flash, Geyser Blast

Burst Skill: Hydro Beam

Leader Skill: Spirit of Water [Boosts MATK of all Water Units by 25%]


Weapon: Magic Cane

Shield: Iron Shield

Accessory: Cleric's RIng [Heals 2% HP per second for 50s when damage is taken, increases MATK by +5]

"Eh? How come your weapon didn't level up?" I asked.

"W-Well...I don't have Summoner Equipment...I didn't have the material to make the Crystal Cane weapon. I had material to make a Brave Sword and Brave Lance, but I am not compatible with those weapons. I am only compatible with Bows, Canes, and Staffs. If I was a Mixed Type like Veria, I could use swords like her and also be compatible with magic...sadly I didn't think much of evening my attack and magic attack stats to aquire a Mixed Type." Selene said.

"That's alright, not everyone can be a physical DPS unit. We need magic and support for a reason. If everyone worried about dealing massive damage per second, there would be no strategy and just one big spam fest." I said.

"I remember you saying that one day at a tournament when the guy asked why was your team filled with Two Supports, Two Tanks, One Breaker, and One Magic Type. You had solid strategies that filled the meta and each time you make a new meta, you just switch up the next day and catch them off guard with like an all Tank Type team and called it the Barrier Formation." Selene said with excitement talking about my past tournament experiences.

I chuckled lightly and sheathed my blade then crossed my arms. "Well...seems like you've been doing your homework. Strategy is important with games like this. It isn't always about the best units nor the OP stats and abilities. Yeah I spent money on the game, but that was mainly to support the game and show my appreciation. I didn't even care if I drew duplicates because when I did I could Star Boost my units."

"Star...Boost?" Selene tilted her head.

"Ah, Star Boost is a feature of the game where if you draw a duplicate aka a unit's soul you can use those souls to boost a unit up turning their star color to a Rainbow Star per boost. Imagine a Star Boosted Platinum Star Unit. That's real power there." I smiled and noticed how interested Selene was in the topic. She seemed to be as much of a geek as I was.

Our units walked over to us and we looked at them.

"We are ready Master." Yuki nodded and smiled.

"I am now Level 12 and I feel as if I am ready to challenge this area's boss." Veria nodded and looked at Selene.

Selene and I looked at each other then nodded and looked at our units. I walked forward and led everyone to the final area of the cave. We heard a roar and the sharpening of claws. We entered the area we fought Yoshimune at and noticed he wasn't there anymore. We noticed a gray skinned male who had scars all over his body and long yellowish orange hair tied into a low ponytail. He had on ripped red pants and brown boots. I stopped then Selene and the others stopped in their tracks. I scanned the target.

Name: Beast Zako

Rarity: Three Stars

Element: Fire

Weakness: Water

Resist: Earth

Type: Breaker

Level: 15

HP: 1,490/1,490

MP: 190/190

ATK: 57

DEF: 17

MATK: 19

MDF: 25

AGI: 36

LUK: 29

[WARNING! WARNING! Boss Unit Dectected!]

Zako looked up at us then roared. He jumped up in the air and looked at us. "Me Zako! You enemy! Enemy die!"

I drew my sword out of the scabbard then looked at Zako. Veria rushed to the frontlines as well then summoned her sword. "Be careful, he's got a lot of attack to bank on. Yuki, Ophelia strike from the back lines. Other than that, act accordingly. Do not be afraid to use your Burst Skill at any moment."

"Same goes for you, Veria! Don't wait for my commands anymore! Fight!" Selene said.

Our units nodded and got ready for battle. I dashed into action and ran straight towards Zako. Zako had a higher agility stat than me so he was able to dodge my attack easily, but this game takes stamina with each dodge and attack preformed. In this game, agility not only affects how fast you move, but also affects your attack speed. The higher your agility, the more attacks you can pull off per second. Add that with high attack stat and you've got a nearly unstoppable force. The down fall to that is all units like that are always glass cannons.

I feinted an attack, causing Zako to dodge and waste stamina then used 30 MP to pull off a Brave Flash. My sword shined and I struck him three times then slashed upwards on the fourth attack. Zako grunted as he blocked my next, but I broke his guard then Veria rushed in for the Ethereal Shine. She slashed through Zako then a pillar of water blasted Zako from underground, sending him upwards. Zako roared in pain then Ophelia locked onto Zako's weak spot.

"Spring Rush!" She bellowed then fired a powerful arrow at Zako and spun around, firing ten more arrows at him.

The first arrow struck him and put him in hit stun then the next ten arrows struck him quickly all in the weak spot then one more arrow hit him then exploded. Zako roared as he fell to the ground then landed on his feet and roared loudly. "Now me mad!"

Zako dashed towards Ophelia and snarled loudly. I dashed after Zako and jumped in the air then noticed Yuki's dark orb flying straight towards me. I slashed down, hitting the dark orb straight towards Zako and hit him. He roared as he fell to the ground.

"Time to finish this!" Selene bellowed and her water aura surrounded her body. "Burst Skill: Hydro Beam!"

Selene summoned a magic circle and slammed her hand on the magic circle then a massive water beam was released from the magic circle, hitting Zako and he roared as he was blasted against the wall. The beam disappeared and Zako fell to his knees. I noticed he wasn't disappearing.

He stood up and roared, "Me not lose...not yet!" His hair tie snapped and his hair turned into flames and his claws shined red.

I took this chance to scan him again while he was in the middle of his rage.

Name: Blazing Claw Zako

Rarity: Four Stars

Element: Fire

Weakness: Water

Resist: Earth

Type: Breaker

Level: 15

HP: 2,921/2,921

MP: 213/213

ATK: 67

DEF: 23

MATK: 29

MDF: 31

AGI: 59

LUK: 31

"H-He evolved..?!" Selene asked in shock.

"A phase two of this boss..." I said then got ready.

"We fight on! Me show you my true strength!" Zako roared then dashed towards us.

His claws were surrounded by flames and he slashed his claws at me. I parried his attack then struck him multiple times and combo'd into my Fury Slash. I bellowed and slashed around in a circle then gained an attack boost from successfully hitting my Fury Slash. Zako slid backwards then dodged Veria's attack by jumping backwards only to get hit by Yuki's Shadow Chain.

"Allow me to show you the meaning of Spring!" Ophelia bellowed and her earth aura surged around her body. She stomped on the ground then took aim at Zako's weak spot. She yelled and her pink eyes shined brightly. "Final Burst Skill: Spring Break!"

She released a massive arrow and Zako broke out of the chain then was hit with another Shadow Chain. He looked surprised then the powerful arrow struck Zako's weak spot and he roared in pain. Ophelia twirled her bow in a circle then turned around and raised her hand in the air, snapping her fingers then the arrow exploded into a massive rose. Zako fell to his knees, extremely weakened.

"He's not finished yet...Even if it was a powerful move, he resisted it. I'll finish this.!" I bellowed and my eyes shined brightly. I dashed forward and water aura surrounded my entire body and sword. "Burst Skill: Valiant Slash!"

I slashed down and released a powerful water cutting wave at Zako. He looked up and was hit by the cutting wave 12 times then the cutting wave exploded. He roared then fell to the ground and dispersed into magic particles.

[Congratulations! Blazing Cave Cleared!]

[Party Earned 2000 EXP!]

[Battle Spoils]

[1,140 Gold, Flame Coin x5, Flame Leaf x9, Claw Shard x2]

[Area Clear Rewards]

[Summoning Stone(s) x1]

"Shin! Congrats on beating the boss! I knew you had it in you to do so! Let's get out of the cave then I will explain what's going on soon after." Cuara said.

I nodded then we all followed Cuara out of the cave then made our way on the path to the next area. Cuara stopped at a crystal and I looked at it.

"The Warping Crystal. Each time you clear an area from this point on, a warping crystal will be here for your convenience so you don't have to go through each area constantly. Let's warp to your home and we can talk there. I don't was you all to get attacked unexpectedly." Cuara said then warped away.

I warped everyone in my party to the town and we went to my home then walked inside. I looked around and noticed how huge the house was. An interface popped up in front of me.

[Summoner's Home. Up to five units can stay with you at a time. Your friends can come visit you at any time and even up to five friends can live with you!]

I closed the interface and walked ahead to the living room then noticed Cuara sitting on the couch. I walked to her then sat with her. Everyone else went to explore the house, knowing that me and Cuara needed to have a private conversation.

"This is what's happening. I spoke to Bravulla and she told me that the Fallen Goddesses are banding together to destroy this universe. Bravulla is the one who summoned you here. She said that you were one of the only people she could count on to save this universe. Not even the devs can stop the disobedience of the Goddesses mainly because they are the cause of it. One of the devs went corrupt and began to make it to where everyone is trapped in the game and their souls are bound with them. If you are killed by either an enemy or another player...then that's it. You are dead for good unless you are revived by item, skill, or other means." Cuara explained.

"But why..? Why trap people in the game like this?" I asked.

"I don't know, but all I know is the Devs have to be stopped. The Devs also have accounts and they are also players in the game. If someone can get the Goddesses on their side, they can use their power to stop the Devs for good by either killing them or hacking into the systems with the help of AI Units that are kept in hidden dungeons. Lady Bravulla believes that since you were top five in the USA servers, you can grow strong again and save the universe via the power of sex! That is the core mechanic of the game." Cuara said.

"I see...If that is what I must do then I will do what I was summoned to do. Flirt, Fight, have sex and obtain every unit in the game because I am partially a completionist. This world might not be too bad...aside from the obvious life endangering situations but still. With you as my guide, I know there isn't a thing we can't do." I smiled at Cuara.

Cuara smiled and nodded. "I will lead you in the right path only. You do not have to worry at all."

I nodded and stood up. "I'm gonna go to town and stock up on items. I will see you at the next dungeon."

"Right." Cuara smiled at me.
