
Permission for Justice!

Winterfell, The North, 8th Moon of 278 AC

General POV

Winterfell was waking up with the roost crow as it always did; the kitchens were full of servants, some getting the breakfast done for the people in the ancient Castle, some cleaning, and some moving things around. The Stark household was slowly getting their morning routines done without issue, as it usually happens. The citizens of Wintertown, just like the servants in Winterfell, were beginning their day, and even in the middle of winter, the small town was functioning relatively well. That was probably the most accessible winter in many years; the taxes paid by House Dovahkiin and the crops they sold at the smallest of prices made it so. With House Dovahkiin's providing food at an accessible price for a significant part of the eastern lands of The North, House Stark had a little bit more gold to spend within its lands; allowing House Stark to invest in sending scouts to search for possible precious metals on the mountains, House Stark knew of at least three silver mines in the mountains, but due to the amount of gold needed to feed the people during winter and the process of getting ready for winter, House Stark couldn't afford any mining ventures, but now things have changed, and they will get even better once the mages got back from their training. The future was bright for the North, more so as House Dovahkiin's gift for House Stark arrived a few moons ago in the form of a large stash of Glass, with enough material to make five glasshouses.

Rickard Stark POV

Rickard Stark woke up alone in his bed. His Lady wife was long gone from this world, he missed her dearly, but he knew he would soon meet her again in the afterlife. Although he missed his wife, life wasn't joyless for him; his children were growing into fine individuals, Brandon was beginning to understand the responsibility of being Lord Stark, Lyanna was becoming a beautiful young woman, and Eddard's honorable nature was known throughout The Vale, and soon it would be known throughout The North and Benjen would be a great lord and a legendary swordsman, according to Lord Dovahkiin, his skill with the Sword would become legendary, like those of Arthur Dayne and Lord Dovahkiin himself. Rickard couldn't help but think that the best decision he had ever made was to make Ragnar Dovahkiin the lord of Skagos. The man was wise, strong, and powerful, but above all else, he was a good man. A man who cared about his subjects and respected them, the man in a few years made more good to the North than most Lords in all their lives. Ragnar Dovahkiin was a man of peace. Peace, fire, Sky, those were his house's words, he tried to find a hidden meaning to those words, but apparently there wasn't. It was as simple as it could be. Peace, Fire, Sky. Peace.

Once Rickard got out of his bed and did his morning rituals, he went straight to the Great Keep, where he would usually have breakfast with his family. The food was good, fresh crops and fresh meat, all bought from Skagos, which in these last years became house Stark's greatest treading partner.

Lyanna, the little bugger hugged him as soon as she saw him; she was highly affectionate that one; ever since her best friend and brother left for Skagos, she's been more clingy than usual, but that was something he could live with.

" Papa, you got to try this potato! It's soooo good! Lord Dovahkiin was right about it!! It's the old god's food!!!" She said she had stars on her eyes, "so cute," Rickard thought, not that he would ever say it out loud; she wouldn't like it a bit.

" You mean potato? Aye, it's perfect; one can do almost everything with it. Ragnar even said it would be good if one baked it with animal fat." Rickard replied as he got some potato on his bow

" Aye, Father, William and I tried it, and it was perfect; we even got some salt on it. It tasted perfect." Brandon said, and Rickard smiled at his eldest.

" Lord Dovahkiin is a resourceful man, sage indeed," Brandon continued as he nodded.

It was at that moment that Maester Willys walked inside the Great Keep with a message on his hand; he looked extremely nervous as if he had received the worses of news

" My lord, I bring grave news! Lord Dovahkiin has called his banners, Houses Stane, Crowl, and Seasworth… he wishes to match on the Dreadfort… He says Lord Bolton has committed grave crimes and needs to be brought to justice," The Maester said, and a small smile appeared on Rickard's face; he knew it was just a matter of time before the benevolent Lord of Skagos and the Leech Lord became enemies.

" What is Ragnar accusing the Boltons of? Flaying someone?" Rickard asked calmly

" My lord… I don't think it's wise to… say such things in the presence of… hum. Children or woman." The Maester said nervously, and Rickard nodded

" Lyanna out… the maids as well. Brandon, you stay and listen; JUST LISTEN!" Rickard said, and no one protested as the finality tone of Rickard's voice showed that he would accept no refusals.

" Right here, my lord." The Maester said as he presented Lord Stark with the message, who took it and read it… he looked disgusted by the contents of the letter, but his stoic face hid much of it

" So it's the wall, or Lord Bolton becomes a eunuch… he wouldn't accept that as he is the last Bolton alive. There will be war. Fuck Ragnar, couldn't you wait for me to summon the man here?" Rickard mused out loud, but then he realized something, Ragnar wasn't asking for help, only permission. While it is true that Skagos could raise a 12.000 strong army, most of it were the sailors of the Dovahkiin's fleet.

" He's not asking for reinforcements… he's just asking for permission, but how will he do it… House Bolton can raise an army of 3 thousand strong… small compared to Skagos, it's a good number to protect a castle on a siege. What will Ragnar do? There's only one way to find out… Maester Willys sent a reply to Lord Dovahkiin, tell him that I allow his march on the Dreadfort, but tell him that if he dies, I will kill him." Rickard said, and the Maester nodded; he then rushed out of the Great Keep

Ragnar POV

Ragnar opened his eyes to see a beautiful face with the bluest of eyes looking at him; the look wasn't that of love but one of admiration or respect. Dacey Mormont was a beautiful woman, a headstrong woman, but a beautiful one nonetheless. She seemed to be looking at him for quite a while, and she also seemed lost in thought, as if she was having a vision of sorts; it took a few moments for her to realize that Ragnar's eyes were open as well, black as obsidian and with intelligence that seemed to not belong to the eyes of a 7'2 tall man. Ragnar was strong; that was an undisputed fact, but his greatest weapon was his mind, at least that's what Dacey thought; little did she know that Ragnar's greatest weapon was a shit ton of strength, capable of holding the sky itself and destroy mountains with ease.

" My husband, how was your sleep? Although we didn't have much of it last night… I must say, marriage does have its perks. Especially the part where I thrash you on the field, and you can't hit me back because I'm your wife." Dacey joked, and Ragnar chuckled a little.

" Aye… some perks it has. My sleep was good; what came before it made it so. Get up, my beautiful wife…let's go and get some breakfast." Ragnar said as he got up, blissfully uncaring about his nakedness. Dacey did the same, although she had some garments on her.

It didn't take long for them to get to the main hall of Frostfall; the food was already being served when they got there, which made Ragnar wish to kiss the servants.

Ragnar and Dacey were having a heated conversation about Morningstars and Battle-axes when the Maester entered the hall with a letter in his hand; he handled the letter to Ragnar, nodded, and walked out of the main hall.

" Lord Stark allowed us to capture Lord Bolton and secure the Dreadfort on House Stark's name. We have been ready for this ever since the ravens flew to Winterfell. Lord Stane and Crowl are In Jorrvaskr; they are just waiting for my command. It shall be given shortly. This siege will be a fast one, or so I hope; unfortunately can't kill Lord Bolton, but the wall and castration will have to work just fine." Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded.


A/N: Here's today's chapter, guys! Just a small pic on the "smallfolk" view. Nex chapter will be the fall of House Bolton and how the South will react to it

Thank you, and may your god( or gods) bless you!

Once again, Thanks for te support
