
A Burdensome Relationship     

If Evie found out about this . . .

Ren's head was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to split open.

No, calm down. Ren uttered to himself and took a deep breath.

Maybe he could still decrease his [Relationship Level] with the Princess?

Yes. Maybe he still could.

. . . Who was he kidding?!

Once his relationship level with an NPC increased to [Intimate], there was no decreasing it. It was lock in [Intimate] for all eternity!

The developer must have thought that no players wanted to decrease their [Relationship Level] once it reached [Intimate]. That was true for most players.

Who would want to decrease their [Relationship Level] to an NPC who they painstakingly work hard to increase?

However, right at this moment, there's nothing more Ren wanted than to decrease his [Relationship Level] with Elena.

Maybe it was not too late. Ren thought. Maybe he could still reverse this.

Ren took another deep breath. Yes, he would try to reverse this.
