

June 20th, 1994

The drive home was silent as I let Rose process what had happened, the only noise was the road as we traveled.

As we reached my home I had my UnS (Unseen Servants) cherry all her things while I escorted her new room, while the servants set her things up i layer her down on the bed.

Daniel-"Rose I'm telling you this now, you will always be welcome in this home. Now, in the morning I'll take you into the village and get some clothes and anything else you need. Now, get some rest little Rose."

I left Rose to rest while I began plotting revenge upon a certain Muggle family.

June 21st, 1994

My UnS were preparing breakfast while I was working on the Find Familiar spell since it requires a number of items to be sacrificed.

Then Rose came down eyes puffy and red, I gave her a smile and motioned her to sit as a servant brought her a large Southern American breakfast.

Rose gave me weird look and to the food, which was Biscuits & Gravy and with a large side of hash-browns.

Daniel-"Eat up its and American breakfast staple and you will need the energy as we have a lot to do today. As you need a wardrobe and a number of spell components if you want to have a decent education as no family member of mine will receive such a subpar one."

Rose, who was inhaling the food looked up at me with the realization her summer break will be filled with studying. I then slide over a copy of basic Arcane introductions as cast Prestidigitation to clean her face and hands.

Daniel-"Now for the foreseeable future you will be staying here so I have very basic rules and things to ask of you while you are here. First and most major do not enter my workshop unattended as it is filled with dangerous materials, Second you will be studying while it won't be a large amount and we will try and have fun with it."

After she finished eating we headed into town, where I asked a woman to help Rose get an entire wardrobe which the woman gave Rose a scary look and pulled her away.

I gathered enough materials to make her a spell book and to cast a couple of cantrips for her to practice with as I am not sure what school of magic she wants to specialize in.

I doubt it will be school of scribes she will most likely be Bladsinging as she is a more learning by doing type of person. So her spell book will be quite different than mine, hers spells will be carved into some kind of weapon or on arm guards so she can cast and fight.

With her clothes and everything ready we headed back to the estate.

Daniel-"Now, I know that you said you have trouble studying and paying attention for long periods of time so we will be doing some hands on lessons; For the first half of the day which will be casting and practicing weapons, then in the afternoon we will be doing hand crafts like enchanting or anything hand crafts, the evenings you will have to yourself as I have to work on some of my business.

Now let's get casting, this is the most basic and useful spell that has the nickname of minor Wish as it has 100s of uses from cleaning to making a small flame."

She didn't take to it immediately as these spells were spoken in Draconic or Sylvin (Dragon or Elvish) so instead of fake Latin she had been using this needed actual pronunciation to cast well.

But by lunch she she was the first HP-Wizard to cast these spells, With that my charges built up once again for teaching Rose how to cast D&D magic.

So *D&D Wizard 3* got one charge and I put another into *Blacksmithing*.

Daniel-"Well done Rose you are taking to this quite well, let's get lunch and then we will work on potions as your Professor I terrible."

To say the potions were a disaster is a understatement I had to practically reteach her the most basic parts of lab safety to the alchemical periodic table which was actually larger than the mundane as it included a number of magic materials.

While working on the potions I had a interesting idea about making money which was alcohol since there was a closed down brewery in town that I could produce one of the drinks from DND.
