
Felicitous Memories X

A few months later.

Natasha was texting on her phone as she walked out the university gates as she smiled and she briefly waved at the security guard as he smiled and waved back at her, she continued texting on her phone.

"Hey Natasha!" called a dark haired girl as she was on the other side of the road and she quickly crossed over as Natasha looked up from her phone at her.

"Oh Hey Tasha" said Natasha as she looked at the woman and she smiled.

"Long time no see, if I did not know any better, I would think that you have been avoiding me" said Tasha.

"No, no of course not, you don't need to think like that, I've just been busy, and you have been too" said Natasha as she laughed.

"That Is true though" said Tasha as she laughed.

"Anyway, I actually wanted to talk about our project, when do you think we should get started on it?" asked Tasha.

"Which project?" asked Natasha in confusion.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you weren't in class yesterday morning, anyway, Prof put us all in a project, me and you, and the others, we are to do a consumer market research for any big brand of our choice" said Tasha as she explained.

"Ahhh, I see" said Natasha.

"Yes, so when should we get started? And which brand should we focus on?" asked Tasha.

"Alright, well right now, I have to go, so tomorrow we can start working on it, and as for the brand, I think that we should to some research and choose the best option" said Natasha.

"Okay, tomorrow it is then" said Tasha as she smiled.

"Great" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Are you leaving right now? We can go together; my car is just over there" said Tasha as she smiled.

"Thank you for the offer, but I actually have to stop by the store first, I will just take a taxi" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Natasha" said Tasha as she smiled at him.

"See you" said Natasha as she smiled and Tasha walked past her as Natasha continued to walk down the street as she waited for a taxi while still looking at her phone and texting, when she suddenly heard a car pull up in front of her as the window of the car winded down and she looked up in confusion.

"Dom?" asked Natasha in confusion as she looked at him.

"Hey Natasha" said Dom as he smiled.

"What are you doing here?" asked Natasha in surprise, she did not expect to see him here at all.

"I'm here to pick you of course" said Dom as he smiled.

"But you didn't tell me that you were coming" said Natasha in confusion.

"Well because I knew that you wouldn't want me to, besides, I was in the area, hop in" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha just looked at him and she opened the door as she got into the passenger's seat as she buckled her seatbelt.

"You shouldn't have come, I could have just taken a taxi like usual" said Natasha as she looked at him.

"What sort of a man would I be if I let my wife end up walking home?" asked Dom as he smiled and Natasha scoffed at him.

"Oh be serious Dom, don't you have work to do? You can't just be leaving the office to come all the way here to pick me up, it's a waste of time" said Natasha.

"I am serious, and also, Grandfather won't mind if I told him that I went to pick up his favourite granddaughter In law" said Dom as he laughed.

"But still, you should have told me, and then I would have told you not to bother, you don't have to pick me up" said Natasha.

"Who told you that I'm bothered? I will always have time to do things like this and pick you up" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha sighed as she shook her head.

"Whatever you say Dom" said Natasha as Dom smiled at her.

"And if you need a valid reason, I had an early meeting today, which finished quicker than expected, and Grandfather gave me two weeks off starting today" said Dom.

"He did?" asked Natasha in confusion as Dom nodded.

"But why?" asked Natasha in surprise as that did not sound like what Ernest would do.

"Oh you know… he's apologetic that we didn't get to go on a honeymoon or whatever, so I guess this is his way of making up for it" said Dom as he laughed and Natasha covered her eyes with her hands, she felt like gagging at the mention of the word honeymoon.

"Oh I am so embarrassed right now, honeymoon?" asked Natasha as she could not believe this.

"Don't be, you know how Grandfather is, if not for the fact that you still have school, he would have forcibly sent us on a honeymoon whether we like it or not" said Dom as he laughed.

"Gosh, of all the things" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Anyway, you want to go out for dinner?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Ahh no, I still have a lot of unpacking to do, I was actually going to the store" said Natasha.

"Alright, let's go to the store then" said Dom as he started the car, and they started to drive as in the same moment Dom's phone rang.

"Can you check my phone for me?" asked Dom.

"Sure" said Natasha as she took Dom's phone as it was still ringing.

"Password" said Natasha.

"You know it" said Dom.

"No I don't" said Natasha as she shook her head.

"No you actually know it, remember that time that we went to the beach and the Charlie…" said Dom as he was cut off.

"Oh, oh, I know it" said Natasha as she laughed and she typed in the password as Dom laughed.

"It's Grandfather, he's calling" said Natasha.

"Answer it" said Dom.

"Okay" said Natasha as she answered the call and she put it on loudspeaker.

"Hello Grandfather" said Dom as he smiled.

"Dominic, how are you?" asked Ernest as he sounded peaceful and serene for once.

"I am good Grandfather, how are you?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"I am well" said Ernest.

"Are you and Natasha coming home on the weekend, we would love to see you" said Ernest as he smiled and Dom looked at Natasha as she shook her head.

"Ahh well no Grandfather, we can't, there is just so much for us to do" said Dom as he replied and he put his eyes back on the road.

"Oh really now?" asked Ernest.

"Yes Grandfather" said Dom.

"But didn't I give you a two week break off work because you just got married?" asked Ernest.

"Yes you did Grandfather, and I thank you for that, but you forget that Natasha and I have so much unpacking to do, and apart from that, Natasha has a lot of studying as well" said Dom.

"Oh you ungrateful boy, you are only saying that, you don't want to come home, just say it, you see the first chance out and you take it without returning, I know that my wonderful granddaughter in law would want to come and see me, you are trying to keep me away from her, what a grandson you are" said Ernest as he complained and Dom sighed, he only refused because Natasha refused.

"Ahh Grandfather, it's not like that at all" said Natasha as she did not like the fact that Dom was being reprimanded because of her.

"Natasha, you are there?" asked Ernest in surprise.

"Yes Grandfather, Dom came to pick me up" said Natasha.

"I see" said Ernest.

"Yes Grandfather, please don't blame Dom for not wanting to come home, I just have to much to do and study that I don't think that coming home for the weekend would be a wise decision, I'm sorry Grandfather" said Natasha.

"Hmm my dear, I am not angry with you or Dominic, not at all, I completely understand, take your time, just remember that you have family over here who love and miss you" said Ernest as Dom scoffed internally, of course he loved her, he didn't love him at all.

"Thank you Grandfather, we both know that" said Natasha as she smiled.

"And I also know that you two lovebirds need some time alone as husband and wife" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Grandfather you know it's not like that at all, we are just busy" said Natasha as she sighed, she knew how much Ernest was pushing on them both to actually get together, it was just annoying.

"Of course my dear, of course, whatever you say" said Ernest as he smiled, he wanted to say something about great grandchildren but he didn't want to scare Natasha off.

"Anyway, the both of you enjoy, see you later my children" said Ernest as he laughed and he ended the call Natasha smiled.

"Of course" said Dom as he scoffed and Natasha looked at him.

"I'm sorry" said Natasha.

"Sorry for what?" asked Dom as he looked at her briefly.

"Grandfather was upset with you because of me" said Natasha.

"Oh Natasha, relax, it's always been like that, I can't just start getting angry over that right now, I'm used to it by now, so you don't have to apologize for anything" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha smiled at him.

"So tell me, why are you going to the store?" asked Dom.

"Well I need to get a few things, and we need ingredients, we can't survive on wedding cake leftovers can we now?" asked Natasha as Dom laughed.

"We can't" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I'll get the bags" said Dom as he pulled into the driveway.

"Okay" said Natasha as she got out of the car and she walked to the front door of their house as she used her house key to open the door as she walked in and Dom followed behind her.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, Alfred came over to get some work done, he repainted some of the rooms upstairs, and he also got the furniture delivered" said Dom as she and Natasha walked to the kitchen.

"Wow, Alfred really is efficient" said Natasha as Dom placed the bags on the counter as he started to unpack everything and Natasha helped.

"You know how he is" said Dom as he laughed.

"Where should I put this?" asked Dom as he showed Natasha some pasta.

"Oh up there, in that cabinet, I think that where we should put the pasta, rice, grains, whatever" said Natasha.

"The condiments should be up there for easier access" said Natasha.

"Oh you seem to already know where everything goes" said Dom.

"Of course I do" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I was the one who managed the kitchen back home" said Natasha.

"I can see that" said Dom.

"But your dad was a master in the kitchen as well" said Dom as he smiled.

"Yes… he was…" said Natasha.

"What's wrong?" asked Dom.

"Nothing, it's just… *sigh*, I feel a bit bad, and guilty, I mean putting my dad in a retirement home, it feels like I'm just abandoning him there" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Hey, no, don't think like that, you are not abandoning him, he agreed to go there, he knows that he can't stay all alone, and we offered for him to live with us, but he didn't want to impose" said Dom.

"But it won't be imposing, he's my dad and I love him" said Natasha.

"He knows that you do, but he wants you start your own life, don't worry Natasha he will be fine, and if you still feel like that, we can go visit him on the weekend" said Dom.

"We can?" asked Dom.

"Of course we can silly, don't stress yourself, everything Is alright" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha smiled at him.

"Yeah, you are right, I just can't help it though" said Natasha as Dom smiled at her.

"Well I will leave you to finish up in here, while I go work on upstairs okay?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Okay" said Natasha as she smiled and Dom walked out of the kitchen as Natasha sighed.
