
Goodnight Kiss

"Joy would you like some apple juice?" asked Alfred as he had a glass pitcher in his hand.

"Yes Please" said Joy as she smiled, she had woken up, and now she was having breakfast.

"Okay" said Alfred as he smiled and he poured some apple juice for her.

"Thank you Alfred" said Joy as she smiled.

"You are welcome Joy" said Alfred as he smiled too, the youngest Madam was the cutest, she lived up to her name as she was a bundle of Joy.

"Alfred, do you know where my daddy is?" asked Joy as she drank her apple juice.

"I believe that he left early for work today" said Alfred.

"Oh" said Joy sadly.

"Why do you ask Joy?" asked Alfred as he saw the little girl was sad, and that was something rare.

"Well I didn't see my daddy last night, and he did not give me my Goodnight's kiss" she said sadly.

"Oh" said Alfred as he seemed to understand now.

"Well Joy, he came back very late last night" said Alfred

"You know that he has been very busy lately" said Alfred.

"Yes, I know" said Joy sadly.

"But I didn't get to see him this morning too" she said with her head down.

"Joy you know that your Father loves you very much" said Alfred as he was sure of that fact.

"I know" said Joy.

Joy being this sad broke Alfred's poor old heart, the girl just wanted to see her father, but it could not be possible right now considering that the company was at the brink of collapsing.

"Okay why don't we do this" said Alfred.

"Why don't we call your father?" asked Alfred.

"No Thank you Alfred" said Joy as she raised her head.

"You said he's busy, and I do not want to disturb him" said Joy.

"But Joy, you know that your father always has time for you, so you would not be disturbing him at all" said Alfred.

"Yes, I know Alfred" said Joy.

"But I will wait for him to come back home" she said.

"Okay then, if that is what you want Joy" said Alfred.

"Yes, Thank you Alfred" said Joy as the bright smile everyone loved returned to her face once more.

"You are welcome my dear" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Alfred have you seen my mommy??" asked Joy.

"Because when I woke up today, she was already gone" said Joy

Alfred smiled, it seemed like the young Miss had lots of questions today, and there was no one else present to answer all her questions, but him today.

"Yes Joy, she has begun her fighting training, with one of the bodyguards" said Alfred as he shook his head, this was a sentence he thought he would never say.

"Ahhh Okay" said Joy as she smiled and she went back to eating her food.

Alfred was about to leave, when she stopped him by asking him another question.

"Alfred do you want to eat with me?" asked Joy as she felt lonely in this big dining room all alone.

"I would love to Joy, but I have already eaten breakfast" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Aww okay" said Joy as she was disappointed, but there was nothing she could do, Alfred already ate.

Alfred smiled, he just hoped that Joy would retain her cuteness, and that she would not grow up to be a spoilt brat, as he had seen many pampered children from rich homes, which he did not like at all.

Joy even had a personal friend if you may call him, that was exactly like that, and boy did Alfred get a headache every time that boy was around.

"Good Morning my baby" said Natasha as she walked into the dining room.

"Mommy!!" said Joy excitedly as she quickly pushed out the dining chair and she rushed to her her mother.

"How are you today my baby?" asked Natasha as she bent down and she picked up Joy.

"Good Morning Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled at Alfred who was watching nearby and smiling.

"Good Morning Madam" said Alfred as he smiled back, and left the mother daughter pair alone.

"I am good mommy" said Joy.

"Alfred said that you went to train" said Joy as she looked at her mother.

"Yes My baby, I did, do you see how sweaty I am??" said Natasha as she laughed.

"I need to go take a shower" she said.

"Okay Mommy, but where is my kiss??" asked Joy.

"Do you want a kiss??" asked Natasha and Joy nodded cutely.

"I don't think that you would want a kiss from me my baby, you see I haven't brushed my teeth today" said Natasha

"I want a kiss" said Joy as she pouted and frowned, which made Natasha laugh.

"Okay my dear, okay *mwah*" said Natasha as she gave Joy a quick peck.

"Again" said Joy as she laughed

"How many kisses do you want??" asked Natasha.

"Hmmmm 100 kisses" said Joy happily.

"What?? how come one hundred kisses??" asked Natasha as she was shocked at her little's baby surprising request.

"Well because Daddy always says that I should not ask for little things, that I should ask for big things" said Joy

"Ahh well that philosophy of your daddy's is not helping in this case" said Natasha.

"I think if I give you one hundred kisses my lips will fall off" said Natasha.

"No Mommy, I don't want your lips to fall off" said Joy as she looked panicked.

"Haha my baby, relax, I was just joking" said Natasha as she laughed, Joy was just too adorable.

"So have you brushed your teeth?" asked Natasha.

"Yes Mommy" replied Joy as she nodded her head.

"Good girl, now go finish your breakfast, while I go brush my own teeth" said Natasha.

"Don't leave mommy" said Joy.

"But I am not going anywhere my baby, I am just going upstairs, and I will be back to join you soon" said Natasha

"So be a good girl and finish your breakfast" said Natasha as she put Joy down.

"Yes Mommy" said Joy as she walked back to her sit.

"See you soon baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she walked out of the dining room.

She was sweating a lot, she needed a quick shower, and she needed to eat if she was going to become stronger.

Natasha sighed as she entered her room and closed the door behind her, everything that was happening right now was just too overwhelming, to tell the truth she still could not believe that she was back, she was actually back!

She needed to calm down, because she was sure she would go crazy trying to tackle every single thing that went wrong in her last life.

She knew that she had to take things slow and breathe.

Haha Happy First of November hehe!!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts