
Unbreakable Shield - Chapter 6 ( The Awakening )

It has been a week since I started to follow the Saitama training. I didn't get an immense physical buff where I suddenly towered over everyone nor am I now able to lift people twice my size with ease.


Nothing like that happened so far. Although I wouldn't say that the training didn't help me or anything. It definitely did.

My endurance has certainly gotten a lot better than before.

I am now able to do 50 push ups before I have to take a break. Much better than the pitiful 13 I used to be able to do a week ago before my arms give up on me and I find myself kissing the cold hard floor.

My muscles are also developing slowly becoming more and more visible each passing day. Hopefully, I don't end up looking like hulk or a baki character. While some people would die to have a JoJo physique. I'm not one of them.

All I want is a lean swimmer's body. Can you imagine a ninja with a Jojo physique?

.errrhh I couldn't help but shudder a little.

"Demon be expelled now" I mentally shouted trying to get the cursed image out of my mind.

"Zeekee, hurry up. What's taking you so long. It's almost time for school" came my mother's voice from downstairs.

Yes, school. Something I totally forgot about when I reincarnated here. I always thought that schooling started when you go to the academy. It was only a few days ago I found out how wrong I was.


I was just eating my breakfast reading the history of the elemental village when my mom asked.

"Aren't you excited to make friends Zeke? Now you won't be a gloomy loner anymore."

" How am I going to make new friends? I don't want to waste my time playing ninjas with tiny brats" I said while making a disgusted looking face.


what am I going to even talk with them about? How to eat crayon faster? Silly mother.

Doesn't she realize that I'm a genius compared to most other 5 year olds. Ahhh I must be humble. I must not get an ego the size of your mom.

Hehhehehe your mom jokes are funny no matter what universe I am in.

"Ahhhhhhh it hurts mother stop pulling my cheeks"

" It was because you had that weird smile on your face. I bet you were thinking of something rude" my mom said as she let go.

" No I wasn't" I said while rubbing my cheeks. It seriously stung. Does she have Haki coated fingers ?

"You have school next week Zeke"

It took a while before my brain registered what she just said to me.

"School?? Not academy" I asked.

"Yes. Zeke academy starts only at 6 years old for civilians. Only the kids from the ninja families start at 5" my mother replied

"But why do they have a head start. Isn't that unfair?"

" It's because the kids belonging to ninja families would have their chakra unlocked when they are 4 years old. So, they are more familiar with it. Some kids might unknowingly release some chakra. Hurting themselves and others in the process. If you deplete your chakra too much you might die from exhaustion you know." My mom said to me with a serious look on her face to show that she wasn't joking around.

"Ahhh so civilian students get their chakra unlocked in the school first so our body gets used to it before we go to the academy." I said to my mom

"Yes... You really are a smart boy aren't. Hehhe must have gotten that brain of yours from me" she said as she hugged me. Nearly squishing me to death.

" Aaah let me go. But mom how do you know all this?. I asked trying to push her away with no success.

No matter how strong I have been getting I'm just a 5 year old after all.

" Oh that. Your grandpa was from the main branch of the royal Uzumaki family."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. WHAT. THEN WHY DONT WE LIVE IN the UZUMAKI COMPOUND..." I shouted out. My face clearly showing the shock I felt.

" Technically we are still part of the royal family. How did you think we have a house in the center of the village. Houses are expensive you know. Especially the ones near the center. The clan sponsored this house and our restaurant. But even the main branch has a lot of people you know. We aren't that important let's say compared to the Kage family " my mom explained slowly

"Ah... At least he wasn't kicked out or anything" I thought to myself.

Flashback ends.

I hurriedly got dressed. Luckily there wasn't a set uniform that we had to wear so I quickly wore some black pants and a t-shirt with a flaming Uzumaki spiral on it and headed downstairs. Taking my bag with some empty books in it.

"Are you nervous? " Asked my dad

" Nah, just excited. I can finally unlock my chakra and become a cool ninja."

" Ah you still haven't given up on being a ninja instead of being a ramen chef like us " my dad said.

While they didn't say outright that I can't become a ninja. They did mention that they didn't want me to become one. Since you might get killed at any time if u become a ninja.

Understandable really. What parent would want to send their kids to do something that might potentially kill them if not disable them for the rest of their life. None. I'm sure.

"Yeah, dad. It's so I can protect myself and you and mom from bad guys in the future. I said as I rolled my eyes.

How can I give up on this now? Especially when I know what kind of monsters are out there.

We could be killed anytime and no one would be any wiser. No one can rely on each other forever. You must depend on yourself if you want to get something done. At least that's what I believe.

The walk to the school was an uneventful one. My parents wanted to take make the first day of my school days a memorable one. So they both decided to open the shop at a later time so they can take me to school. holding each of my parent's hands from both sides I walked through the streets of the Uzumaki village.

"Are we there yet?" I asked as I saw the familiar outlook of the academy building. I could already see the students through the windows. some with their head lying on the table while others reading books.

"Almost there bud. the school is right behind the academy building.' my dad replied to me.

Sure enough, as soon as we made a turn into a narrow road between the academy ground and the academy building, I saw a smaller building that had a strong resemblance to a small kindergarten insight. It was then that I notice that the road was filled with kids and their parents. Some had the distinct Uzumaki red hair while others had the normal black and brown with a had few that had what I deemed were anime hair colours. which was anything but the normal black, brown and blonde colour that I was familiar with.

"Genetics in this universe is truly fascinating." I thought to myself as I looked around.

"Okay, now be good and listen to your teachers. Do your work okay. Be sure to eat lunch. I made sure to pack extra. you little glutton." My mom said with a smile on her face.

"Remember to have fun okay kiddo" My dad chipped in at the end.

" Yes. Mom and Dad...." I said with a blush on her face. ever since I started exercising the amount of food I seem to eat has been increasing. Lord knows where all the food ends up in since I don't look even a little bit fat.

After stopping in front of the entrance of the school. I gave each of my parents a hug and went inside the school along with the rest of the kids.

There were three people standing in the small compound area of the school.

"Over here kids form a line in front of me" said the teacher in the middle. he was a tall lanky guy that looked to be in his 30s.

Slowly all the kids started to form a line. I too started walking towards the line making sure to walk as slowly as possible so I can stay at the back.

It took a full five minutes for the to be made. best of all the line wasn't even straight. It was curved. I guess it was expected since we are just five after all.

"I'm Subaru Uzumaki and the one on my left is Daiki ren and on my right, we have Shiki Komai. Daiki will be in charge of class one and Shiki will be in charge of class two and I'll be in charge of class three.

We are going to divide you depending on how much chakra you have.

The ones with little to no chakra will go to class one. the ones with chakra will go to class two and the ones with an abnormal level of chakra will join the ninja class. Is this clear?

Alright guys now we are going to awaken your chakra so we can assign you to your classes. Come in front of me when your name is called." he said as he pressed his left hand on a tattoo on his forearm.


A small white cloud came out and when it was cleared, he had a small scroll on his hand.

"Damn what is this a Hogwarts sorting ceremony?" I thought to myself

"Armin Gozo."

A blond kid came out from the middle of the line as the name got called out and went towards the teacher.

"I'm going to place my hands on your back and send some of my chakra into your body to jolt your own chakra awake. you are going to feel a tiny prink. it won't be painful at all okay?" Mr Subaru explained.

A blue coloured aura slowly became visible as he lowered his hands towards Armins back.

5 seconds passed since Mr Subaru placed his hands.

"ah its seems like you don't have chakra coils. you will be in class one" Mr Subaru said

With a sad look on his face Armin walked towards Mr Daiki who had an encouraging smile on his face.

" Youmi Koga ,class 1"

"Kingo Sukabe, class 1"










This went on for fifteen minutes. Every student that was called either had no chakra or had very little of it for it to make a difference.

"Sauibu Maure class 2"

I looked towards the teachers and Sauibe.

Sauibe had a medium sized wispy blue aura around him. it was noticeably bigger than the other kids that were sorted into class one.

"Jotaki Jeichi class 1"








It continued along with most of the students going to class 1 with a few in between being sorted into class two.

there was still no one that was sorted into the exclusive class 3.

Before I knew it there was no one in the field that was standing except me. A curse everyone whose name starts with a z must face.

"Zeke Uzumaki"

Nervous and excited at the same time. I walked toward Mr. Subaru as all the other kids had done before and stood in front of him with my back facing him.

'Take a deep breath" Mr Subaru said. I could almost feel his hand coming down. the moment it touched me I felt a jolt of electricity going through my veins. A small warm feeling penetrated every inch of my being. it was as if I was back in my mothers warm embrace.

As I lowered my gaze towards my arms only to find that there was not even a single wisp of chakra to be seen.


I thought to myself " why isn't anything coming through? is this why no one cared if my grandfather left the clan to live in the city. Did he not have chakra coils?"



check out p@treon/crowkenz to read 6 chapters ahead.

Please give me ideas and feedback so I can improve my writing skills in the future.Hope you guys enjoy reading it. Peace out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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