
Cat Dad and Siren City

Chapter 123 – Cat Dad and Siren City

The dock of a frigate-class or galleon-class ship was heavily protected by the local NPCs. When Wellerboy approached the dock, five flying mages circled around the ship from the sky, observing the crew's movements.

All mages wore a different colorful robe – Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and White. Their (???) level and unique names hinted to everybody that they were big shots in the city.

Fortunately, Xiaomao and his crew's negative karma was miraculously cleansed. No guard NPC harmed them so far.

The frigate parked at the dock. Xiaomao, Lucky, John, and Peter got down to the port, but Shepherd, Andrew, Magdalene, and James remained on the ship to protect their properties.

When Xiaomao and his crew entered the port, the five mages descended and walked toward them. All of them were elderly men in hooded robes, but their beards looked identical.
